Halfway through November, but the snow was easy to wait for – news Vestland

A gentle wind blows over Vestland when the calendar passes halfway through November. But along the street in Førde, no one is in a hurry to trudge around in the snow. “Digg”, “I don’t like snow”, “It can well wait until December”, was heard from passers-by when asked if they do not miss the snow. – I probably don’t think there will be snow in Western Norway next week, says state meteorologist Ingrid Bentsen. And the same applies in large parts of the country. The exception is the area around Agder and Telemark. From Finse and southward, snow is expected and perhaps even skiing above 200 meters in height, the meteorologist says. – There could probably be 15-20 centimeters in some places, but it is not a question of large amounts, says Bentsen. BARMARK: The green fields on the map from 15 November 2022 are snow-free. Photo: Screen dump from Senorge.no Must be happy Despite several warnings about avalanches and landslides, there have not been many avalanche warnings to send out for NVE. – For those of us who enjoy skiing, it must be allowed to look forward to winter now, says Heidi Stranden at the NVE avalanche warning. But for an outdoor person like Stranden, the future map of snow days and snow amounts is bleak reading. – It’s not exactly the way we read in happy groups, she laughs nervously. FEWER SNOW DAYS: The meteorologists expect that there will be fewer snow days in the next 30 years. Photo: Screenshot: SeNorge.no Fewer winter days There have been fewer winter days in the last 30 years. When meteorologists calculate winter days, they count days with an average temperature below zero degrees. But according to this definition, neither Bergen, Stavanger nor Kristiansand have any winter at all, even if the days are cold and the nights long. At the same time, Oslo has lost 22 winter days and has gone from 118 to 96 in 30 years, according to the Meteorological Institute. Tromsø has lost as many winter days as the capital and is now down to 138 winter days. This is what the snow map looked like for 15 November 1982 compared to the same date in 2022. Source: Senorge.no Gray in the capital Over the weekend, the temperature will drop in the Oslo area. In the coming week, the temperature may creep below freezing. For the most part, gray weather is expected and it is unlikely that there will be skiing, just tell the meteorologist. – We cannot rule out the occasional snowflake for the capital, but we are only talking about small amounts. Apart from some small towns with rainfall along the coast, good weather is expected in northern Norway. The cause is high pressure that controls the weather. – It is only in the south of the country that we expect precipitation, says the meteorologist. In the coming week, the temperature may creep below freezing in the Oslo area. Photo: Javad Parsa / Javad Parsa
