Had to throw away the chocolate for fear of salmonella – then an unknown donor took action

Last week, NRK wrote about Leni who had been given chocolate that had been thrown away due to fear of salmonella. When an anonymous father in another town in the country read the case, he called straight to the manager of Leni’s local shop. He asked her to arrange a gift card for the little girl, and tossed 600 kroner. – I was very moved when I read about her. It was a dad’s heart that simply went a little crazy, says the man. He thought it hurt to read about the little girl who had been given chocolate she could get sick of. – The case is absolutely awful! Think how sick she could have become, he says. Leni proudly showed off her gift card when NRK met her in the store. Photo: Oda Flaten Lødemel / NRK Chocolate from the rubbish It was on the way home from the shop Leni met two English-speaking women who asked if she wanted candy. Brilliantly happy, she came home with 18 chocolate eggs. But mother Marita Orvik sensed trouble. She ran down to the store to find out if they knew anything about this, and it turned out that the chocolate was thrown away due to fear of salmonella bacteria. Leni had to throw away all 18 chocolate eggs. As a consolation, she was able to crush them and retrieve the toys that were inside. Photo: private Nyrik in the candy shelf Today Leni was back at the local shop in Midsund, 600 kroner richer. One hundred kroner per wooden pack of chocolate eggs she had received from the rubbish, and could not eat. – She just has to buy as much candy as she wants, she deserves it, says the anonymous donor. Leni and her mother also do not know who the money came from. – I was very surprised. But it’s incredibly cozy that it touched someone so much that they would give money to her. It must be a very kind-hearted person, says mother Marita. Both Leni and mum Marita want to thank the man for the money. – He was very kind, says Leni. Photo: Oda Flaten Lødemel / NRK Gift for great-grandmother But the seven-year-old has no plans to burn off the entire gift card for candy. Instead, she wants to buy painting equipment, among other things, so that she can make something nice for her great-grandmother. – My great-grandmother has a birthday on Saturday and we will visit her this weekend. So I want to buy her something. – Are you not going to spend any of the money on yourself? – Maybe a little, then, says Leni. She is most fond of Love Hearts and Hubba Bubba. So far, Leni has only spent 11 kroner on the gift card. They went for a little chocolate of the type Kinder Maxi. It may not be Kinderegg again in the first place, she admits. Photo: Oda Flaten Lødemel / NRK
