Had to stop drivers with summer tires – news Vestland

It is snowing heavily on several mountain passes and several yellow danger warnings have been sent out about rain, wind, snow and the risk of avalanches and landslides. But despite a lot of weather and wind, there are several drivers who defy this and drive over the mountain passes without winter tyres. Åsmund Sirevåg and his family are on their way over Haukelifjell in the snowy weather, but before they got that far, their tires were checked before they were allowed to drive on. The family saw that one truck remained stationary while the others were able to pass. Whether it was due to summer tires or not, Sirevåg is unsure. – But it is very good that the drivers are checked. There is always someone who takes chances, says the driver. Åsmund Sirevåg is on his way over Haukelifjell, but not everyone who passed here had winter tires on. They had to turn around. Photo: Åsmund Sirevåg Have to turn around and drive home The Road Traffic Center is clear in its case: – If you don’t have winter tires on today, you have nothing to do in the mountains, says Ronny Sleire, traffic operator at the Road Traffic Centre. He says it is common for cars to be checked before they are allowed to drive over the mountain passes. – This has to be taken into account. And those who have summer tires on, they must turn around. It is unfortunately more common than unusual in the transition to winter for people to drive with summer tyres, says the traffic operator. At 1.30 p.m., the status of the mountain crossings is as follows: Rv. 52 Hemsedal: Bare and wet, but snow in the terrain E16 Filefjell. Beard and wet. Snow in the terrain. Partially limp. Fv. 50 Hol- Aurland Hol: Bare and wet. Snow in the area and sleet. RV. 7 Hardangervidda: Partly bare and wet, partly covered with snow. E 134 Haukelifjell: Alternating bare and wet, as well as alternating snow cover. Rev. 13 Vikafjellet: Snow cover, alternating bare and wet. Slippery. But even if all mountain passes are open now, this can change quickly. Here you can check updated road reports from the Norwegian Road Administration. – There is snow in the air and sooner or later there will be snow cover on all mountain passes. Very bad weather has also been reported this afternoon and evening. Photo: Henriette Meland (traffic director V&T Entreprenør) May change at short notice Strong winds, stiff gales, large gusts and snow have been reported. In several places, 20–40 cm of snow has been reported in several places, and in some places it is expected to reach 50 cm. – If there is so much, in a few hours there can be both a queue and a closed road until plowing crews can clear the road. The encouragement to the drivers is clear: Wear winter tyres, the tank must be full, have warm clothes and food and drink with you in the car. – Be aware that it may take longer to get over the mountain than you had expected.
