– Had to go home if there was a goal – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Norway got off to an excellent start in the national league group game with a 1-0 win over Serbia in Belgrade on Thursday night. – I do not know when we last had an equally strong away result with Norway. It is a long time ago, says national team manager Ståle Solbakken to news after the match. He dropped the traditional press conference and instead did all the interviews in the press zone after the match. This is because the national team was to catch a flight to Stockholm already on Friday night. – This tasted very good. We were good for long periods, and then we had to block some shots and defend ourselves for periods, but we knew that, Solbakken concludes. – It is a mortal sin This was the third international match in a row where Norway did not concede a goal. Norway has now kept a clean sheet in five of the last six international matches. The national team manager has previously stated that it takes time to get the players to understand his defensive game, but now it is starting to sit still. – I have always said that the way I play zone defense is advanced and difficult. There is also some reason why Stefan (Strandberg) plays, he is among those who have these principles best in the spine. He can talk the others into it so they do not forget, says Solbakken. But still it slipped away from time to time. Serbia won the chance statistics 3-2 against Norway, and Solbakken was annoyed that there are still things that do not work as they should. The one there, where Birger (Meling) bumps into the field in front of the midfielders. Then they play the ball out on the side, and then the ball is hit straight through our field. It was the only half chance they had before the break. If he becomes a target, then Birger must go home, that is. It is a mortal sin, but there he is (mentally) in Rennes, where they are told to go up to the nearest man, says Solbakken. news was not allowed to talk to Birger Meling about the situation or the mortal statement from Solbakken before the Norway defender and the rest of the team set course for Stockholm on Friday night. Turning point? National team manager Solbakken has always been ready for Norway to go to the European Championships in 2024. Mats Møller Dæhli has the same feeling. Dæhli said that something happened to the player group during the autumn – and especially after the Netherlands match. – I felt that something or other was loose for us. We got to gather even better as a group. If you see how our players perform in Europe, it’s fantastic. This, combined with the fact that we have a very good group, is what allows us to do it in our favor this time. We will see how it goes, says Dæhli to news. GOT TO PLAY: Mats Møller Dæhli. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN – Release in what way? – It’s about the dynamics of the group, and how those who have our younger ones take the lead and become leaders. We have had a Stefan Strandberg who stands out a lot, and of course we have Martin (Ødegaard), Erling (Braut Haaland) and Kristian (Thorstvedt) – we have good players who stand out as leaders in their own way. I think the group we have now has a really strong wart. There is a strong unity, and we must have that in order to be able to win the top matches we need to win, says Dæhli. – A spark again Kristian Thorstvedt has shown his own ability to influence matches. Solbakken calls him a «points player»: Four goals and six goalscorers in 14 international matches his victory. Thorstvedt also recognizes himself in what Dæhli describes. – Yes, I think at least that autumn was exciting, and we managed to create a group with lots of motivation. People pushed each other, and there was full pressure on training and matches. It shows that we are ready to take the next step, says Thorstvedt. If they manage it, it will soon mean the first play-off for Norway in 24 years. Dæhli points out that it will mean an enormous amount far beyond the wardrobe. GOOD START: Norway and Martin Ødegaard thank for the match after 1-0 against Serbia. Photo: VEGARD GRØTT / BILDBYRÅN The Belgium player has already noticed a new enthusiasm for and around the national team. – What I have noticed in the last year is when I meet people on the street or others I talk to, they talk very positively about the national team. It makes one very happy. You also noticed this in some of the home games where we filled Ullevaal this autumn. There was a spark there again. It will only get even stronger if we continue to perform and show that we succeed and finally manage to get to a championship, says Dæhli. – You’ve been with us for a long time. Have you felt the security and feeling you described now before an upcoming qualifier before? – No, maybe not. I’m very confident in our team, and I’m confident that when we go out (the course), you will see a team that does. We are very confident in what we are going to do. In addition to the fact that you have the extra threat when you have so many good players, and so many good players. You have the opportunity to change players, put in people who can score goals – there are many opportunities no. You also see that in the squad, says Dæhli. New match on Sunday Norway’s next match will be played against Sweden away next Sunday night at 20.45. Then two home games against Slovenia on June 9 and Sweden again on June 12. The National League group stage will then end with two matches in September against Slovenia (away) and Serbia (home).
