Had to empty out 7,000 liters of milk – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The video, which shows several thousand liters of milk going to waste, has upset many. The farmer himself, Jon Egil Østerhus, was greatly annoyed when he realized that the milk truck would not arrive on Saturday as he thought it would. – I was a little provoked and took to Facebook. We are told that we do not produce enough milk, and Tine imports milk powder from abroad. The dairy giant Tine has announced that there will be 15 million liters of milk short this winter. The Directorate of Agriculture cuts the customs duty on milk powder so that the demand for milk can be met with imported goods. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the milk shortage is linked to lower production than forecast. Many people react to the fact that Tine was unable to collect the milk from Jon Egil Østerhus so that it had to be thrown away. Photo: Screen dump The milk truck stopped by a landslide On Friday, highway 13 in Suldal was closed due to a landslide, and the milk truck that was supposed to pick up the milk was trapped. – But the road to both Stavanger and Haugesund was open, points out Østerhus. Farmer Jon Inge Østerhus was provoked by Tine when he and two neighbors had to throw away over 7,000 liters of milk at the weekend. Photo: Gisle Jørgensen / news He therefore thought a milk truck would come from there. When he discovered on Saturday morning that no one had come to collect the milk, he started calling Tine. In the end, Østerhus was told to empty the milk out. – I think it is a waste to throw away food and drink. And now I had nothing else to use the milk for. Tine understands the frustration. Jon Inge Østerhus was one of three farmers in Erfjord in Suldal who had to empty their milk at the weekend. Communications adviser Peder Buskenes in Tine says he understands the farmers’ frustration. – We understand very well that milk producers get frustrated when we are unable to collect the milk. There are many working hours behind each liter of milk, but unfortunately it sometimes happens that we do not get to collect the milk. Tine understands the frustration of the farmers who do not get their milk delivered, says communications advisor Peder Buskenes in Tine Photo: Tine Buskenes explains that there were several circumstances that came into play when the milk truck driver was prevented by a crash. – A detour would have taken so long that it would have had consequences for the route the following day. In view of the rest period for drivers and the Working Environment Act, it would have taken too long. A tanker from the other side was also too far away at the time, says Buskenes. Buskenes has learned that many people are reacting to the farmers having to throw away 7,000 liters of milk at the same time as there is a milk shortage. – Tine needs every litre, so we go to great lengths. This was certainly not a desired situation, but when the road was closed and the alternatives were few, we unfortunately did not get the milk that we should have naturally had. Happens every year That Tine doesn’t get to pick up milk from the farmers happens every now and then. Extreme weather Hans, which hit Norway in August 2023, had consequences for Tine. – Storm Hans almost split the country in two and last year there were over 440,000 liters of milk that we couldn’t collect. 2022 was a normal year with 140,000 litres, says Buskenes. A total of 1.4 billion liters of milk passes through Tine’s dairies in Norway. – Fortunately, the fact that the milk is not picked up happens very rarely, says Buskenes. But farmer Jon Inge Østerhus does not need to cry over the spilled milk. Fortunately, it had no financial consequences, even though it had a value of over NOK 40,000. – Tine has to pay for the milk anyway, says the farmer from Suldal.
