Had the car stolen in 2015 – eight years later it appeared from the bottom of the sea – news Nordland

In 2015, the car of a man from Gravdal in Lofoten was stolen. On Tuesday this week, it appeared at the harbor at Rødskjær in Harstad, eight years later. According to iHarstad, an extensive rescue operation was launched, as it was not certain whether the car had ended up in the water recently, or whether someone needed help. It eventually turned out that the car had been there for a long time, and that it had a criminal background. Was notified in 2020 Christian Andreasen at the operations center in Troms tells news that the police became aware of the car already in 2020. – This is a car that has been in the sea for several years. We have cross-checked with previous incidents, and we had an assignment in connection with this car in 2020. He says that three years ago it was reported that a car was lying in the water. – At the time, we went out on a mission with divers and were able to confirm which car it was. No action was taken to raise it as it was not appropriate. Now, however, the car has done the job itself. – For some reason it came to the surface now. Andreasen says that it was people who worked in the harbor area who called and said that there was a car in the water. – Based on the fact that there was information about a car floating in the sea, we treated this as a real accident and took measures. It turned out to be less dramatic than perhaps feared. – The car has been towed onto land and the owner has been notified. We are doing nothing further with this matter. – Surprising message The car, a Hyundai Elantra, belonged to a man from Gravdal when the car was stolen. – It was a surprising message to receive and not expected at all, says the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, to Lofotposten. He says that he was on his way to Narvik when the car stopped in Gullesfjorden. – There was a traffic jam. We contacted the tow truck and the car was left at a rest area. When the tow truck arrived, the car was gone, and there were no tracks to follow. That is why it was surprising that it has now been found, he says.
