Haaland has already passed the “goal kings”

22 January 2023 at 15:16 Nilsen won gold after “heartache” and a nightmare of illness Vilde Nilsen won gold in the opening distance during the ski WC for para athletes in Östersund. The 22-year-old set off early on the 18-kilometre course and was unstoppable for the competitors. – It is the most superior victory we have seen in a long time, said news’s ​​commentators. The golden feat in Östersund comes less than a year after Nilsen stood devastated in the press zone at the Paralympics in Beijing. The Tromsøværing had to break the opening distance in China, which she experienced as endlessly heavy “heartbreak”. Nilsen was the big gold favorite in the Paralympics, but had to go home without the noblest medal. Nilsen had had corona just before the Paralympics, and just got tested negative in time. But the virus was only the start of a nightmare of various diseases. On the flight home from China, she had an extreme stomach ache, and at home in Norway she had to undergo an operation for appendicitis. Now she was looking forward to finally being able to start training again, but the cross-country runner never quite got the hang of it. At the doctor’s again, blood tests were taken which proved that she had had the kissing disease. The missing medals and the long series of illnesses made her want revenge at the starting line in Östersund. The goal of a gold medal has already been reached. Later in the WC, the Norwegian hope will hunt for new top positions.
