Guro Reiten wrote a “secret” letter to himself – today she reads it again – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

Reiten has been a key player for both Chelsea and Norway in recent seasons. On Thursday, she is self-described when national team manager Martin Sjögren set up the 11-man against Northern Ireland. Five years ago, Reiten was the wreck of the first two campaigns in the group stage. She will start in the last match against the host nation Nederland, who will send Norway home with zero points and zero goals. I FORM: Guro Reiten. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Broken Norwegian players were left sitting on the grass. The then 22-year-old Reiten was soon to write down everything she had learned from the championship. It was a very personal letter, Reiten emphasizes. Only Reiten himself and sports psychologist Anne Marte Pensgaard have read it. – I was told to write a letter to myself after the championship with everything I learned. Everything I wanted to say to myself after the championship with what I learned, and what I wanted to say to myself before it started so I knew what to do next. – I have that letter on my PC and I intend to read through it tomorrow (Wednesday). A teacher always, you know, says Reiten to news. ONE DAY AGAIN: Reiten and the rest of the national team will revenge the weak 2017 championship. Photo: Martin Solhaug Standal / NTB I think she was more scared Reiten read the same letter before the World Cup in 2019. Then she was reminded that she «at least should enjoy me now». – Whether that was what helped, or whether I have been a couple of years older and gained even a little more experience at a higher level, I am a little unsure. But we can say that it helped a little, every percent counts, says the 27-year-old. Reiten will not go into detail on what is in the letter, but she can tell a little. – It goes on the feeling I had in that championship. I was perhaps a little more afraid of what might happen versus rather seeing the positive and trying to enjoy the blink of an eye. It’s something you never get back, so you kind of want to reach your potential there and then, says Reiten. – Best experience 2017-EM was the first championship for Martin Sjögren. The Swede came from successful seasons in Linköpings FC, where he won league gold in 2016. So there was an abrupt stop in his first exam for Norway. – It was a strong experience in several different ways. Of course, it was a disappointment in terms of results and performance. Then there was a lot that happened in retrospect. From experience, it is the best experience I have had as a camper and trainer in my career – where I have learned the most, says Sjögren, and highlights the handling of adversity. RICHER EXPERIENCE: Martin Sjögren says he has learned a lot since the European Championships in 2017. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB Reiten has the experience stored in a Word document on the PC. On Wednesday, she sat down and reminded herself how she was going to attack the championship. – I will enjoy it, says Reiten and smiles.
