Guardian was allowed to continue despite notification, now he is charged with assault – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary A guardian for young asylum seekers has been charged with sexual exploitation of several boys, despite previous notification of inappropriate behaviour. The assaults are said to have taken place in the couple’s private residence in Southern Norway, at various hotels in Norway, and abroad. The minor asylum seekers are said to have been threatened with not getting help with a residence permit if they did not accept sexual intercourse. One of the accused men regained his role as guardian after the case was dropped by the police. Several of the actions the couple must answer for must have taken place after the man regained his responsibility as guardian. The trial starts on Monday. 27 days have been set aside in Agder District Court Arendal. This autumn, a married couple was prosecuted for the sexual exploitation of several young boys. The assaults are said to have taken place in the couple’s private residence in Southern Norway, at various hotels in Norway, and abroad. One of the men was the boys’ representative, previously called guardian. He has been active in local politics in his home municipality of Agder, and involved himself in issues surrounding asylum policy. According to the indictment, the man himself allegedly assaulted some of the boys. He must also have made them available to the husband. The latter is also charged with having used threats against several of the boys. The threats were that the minor asylum seekers would not get help with residence permits if they did not accept sexual intercourse. And that they could risk being deported to their home country. The guardian is charged with complicity because he failed to do anything to prevent it from happening. The man was responsible for a total of 17 underage asylum seekers, according to the state attorney. Photo: Screen dump Abuse after the case was dropped Now news can say that the state allowed the man to continue in his role as guardian despite the fact that there were concerns in 2017. The man was also reported to the police, but the case was dropped based on the state of the evidence. The man was allowed to continue as guardian after the case was dismissed. In the justification, the state emphasized, among other things, that the man should regain his role as guardian because he “lived nearby” and “had experience with refugees”. Several of the actions the couple must now answer for must have taken place after the man regained his responsibility as guardian from the state. These are the points for which the couple is charged: Both are charged with: “Having obtained sexual intercourse through violence or threatening behavior or had sexual intercourse with someone who was unconscious or for other reasons unable to resist the act” “Oh have acquired or another sexual relationship, or caused someone to carry out acts that correspond to sexual intercourse with themselves by abusing a position, relationship of dependence or relationship of trust, or exploiting a person under the age of 18 in a particularly vulnerable life situation” The man who was the asylum seeker’s representative, is charged with: “Procuring or other sexual intercourse through abuse of a position, relationship of dependence or relationship of trust or by exploiting a person under the age of 18 in a particularly vulnerable life situation” “Having violated a restraining order” The husband of the representative is accused of: “Having procured sexual intercourse through violence or threatening behavior and the rape included the introduction of a penis into the rectal opening” even by abusing a position, a relationship of dependency or a relationship of trust, or exploiting a person under the age of 18 in a particularly vulnerable life situation” – Now the trial starts on Monday and then hopefully we will discover what has happened. That’s what the defense lawyer for the six offended boys, Eirik Glad Balchen, says. – I do not want to pre-process this question, but I note that most of the points in the indictment happened after he got his guardianship back, says Balchen. Assistance lawyer Eirik Glad Balchen. Photo: Kari Jeppestøl Arntsen / news Leave and dinner visits at home In the autumn of 2017, the asylum reception in Southern Norway sent the following message of concern: “We will come up with specific events that have taken place recently and which we believe are cause for concern”. The letter was sent to what was previously called the County Governor in Agder, now called the State Administrator. The letter stated that the man stands up for the young asylum seekers to a greater extent than other representatives and takes on tasks that go beyond his role. The events themselves are covered up for news, but the reception described that some of the asylum seekers have had leave with the man. He also allegedly drove them to appointments, had contact with them on social media and invited them to dinner visits at home. The defendant has shared several photos of himself together with the victims in the case. The man also allegedly had contact with other young people who lived at the reception, but for whom he was not responsible, the letter said. The contact he had with the young people contradicts the supervisor from the state. It states that it is not recommended to arrange private meetings outside the place of residence, and overnight visits are not permitted. The county governor urged the asylum reception to report the case to the police. The concern was then taken up further by both the police and the County Governor: The police opened an investigation case, which was later dismissed on the basis of the evidence. The county governor opened a supervision case, called the man in for a concern interview, and stripped him of his role as guardian. Got the responsibility back because he lived close But a few months later the state reversed its decision. In January 2018, the man regained his role as guardian for several of the asylum seekers. Therefore, the man was given back responsibility: The state administrator in Agder emphasized: The child’s opinion and the consideration to avoid many breaches in relationships. That the man was approved as a permanent guardian and had experience with unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees. That he had completed training and submitted a police certificate. That he lived near the minor. – Why was he again allowed to take responsibility for the boys? – The representative was reappointed after the police had dropped the case against him on the basis of the evidence, and after a supervisory interview. This is what Kari Øiestad Schjelderup from the State Administrator in Agder writes in an e-mail to news. The state administrator in Agder set up supervision after they received a report of concern about the guardian. Photo: Svein Sundsdal / news Øiestad Schjelderup explains that a guardian who receives an accusation against him should be given the opportunity to speak when an inspection is carried out. – It is also considered whether there is reason to contact other people or agencies to get more information that can shed light on the matter, says the director of administration. It was not done in this case, she tells news. This is the State Administrator’s answer to news’s ​​question: – We did the investigations the case prompted, given that it was a police case under investigation. Since the person in question was to be relieved of all his duties, there was no need to investigate the matter further himself. It is the police who investigate criminal offences. This is according to director of administration Kari Øiestad Schjelderup at the State Administrator in Agder. – How could you re-appoint him as guardian despite the concern that was registered? – At the time of reappointment, there was no police case under investigation. – Do you take self-criticism in this case, in light of what has come to light afterwards? – No trial has been completed, so it is somewhat unclear what news is referring to as having “come to light afterwards”. The state administrator does not have access to the police’s information in the case. We do not wish to conclude with regard to self-criticism and possible points of improvement at the present time in the case. – What will you do to prevent something like this from happening again? – It is important that anyone who has concerns relating to guardians and representatives report them to the State Administrator. Reports of concern will continue to be followed up in accordance with the law, regulations and guidelines. Was responsible for 17 asylum seekers The accused man has been responsible for a total of 17 young people who applied for asylum, according to state prosecutor Birgitte Budal Løvlund. She has previously stated this to news. Six of these are the aggrieved parties in the trial, which begins in Agder District Court in Arendal on Monday, and continues until 5 April. news has asked the man’s defense attorney if he wishes to comment on the information that emerges in this case. He says they don’t want that. The point about rape alone has a penalty of up to 15 years. Overall, the sentencing could be even higher, according to Løvlund. The six victims came to the country as minor asylum seekers around 2015. 27 days have been set aside for the trial. Asylum seekers who are under the age of 18 and arrive in Norway alone are assigned a representative by the state. The aim of the scheme is to ensure that asylum seekers are looked after, both in the asylum process and that they receive adequate care. These are the tasks of a representative: Be a safe adult for the child seeking asylum Look after the child’s needs Visit the child to find out how he is doing Help the child with his asylum application For this job, the representative is paid remuneration, and any expenses are covered by the state.
