Growing problem with street dogs in Turkey – videos show brutal dog killings – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

news warns of strong impressions and images in this article. Homeless dogs have long been a problem in Turkey. There are over 10 million street dogs in the country, according to the BBC. Several people have lost their lives as a result of dog attacks in Turkey in the past year. The attacks have sparked debate about what the authorities are doing to control stray dogs in the country. After several deadly dog ​​attacks last year, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for something to be done. He advocated for the authorities to take dangerous dogs off the streets and move them to safe surroundings. Video shows brutal dog killing Several street dogs were placed in separate centers for homeless dogs. Now animal welfare organizations fear that the conditions at these centers make the suffering all the worse, according to the online newspaper Middle East Eye. In November, a video showing a brutal dog killing circulated on social media. The video is supposed to be from a center for homeless dogs in the city of Konya. news has gained access to the video, which shows a man hitting a dog in the head with a shovel, while another tries to strangle and hold the dog. BRUTAL: A video showing two men killing a dog with a shovel is causing strong reactions on social media. Photo: Facebook The incident sparked strong reactions and debate about the authorities’ handling of the growing problem with street dogs. The two employees at the dog center have been arrested after the incident, and now risk up to three years in prison, according to the online newspaper Middle East Eye. – A massacre Domic Dyer in the voluntary organization Born Free Foundation believes this is not an isolated incident. – Dogs are killed like this all the time, both by residents and city authorities. They are beaten to death and poisoned, often under terrible conditions, says Dyer to the online newspaper The Observer. The Turkish NGO Paw Guards recently shared photos and videos of dead dogs allegedly dumped in a landfill in the town of Agri. The animal protection organization shares the images with the text “massacre in Agri”. STRONG IMAGES: news warns of strong impressions in this video. In the Twitter thread, several claim that local authorities are behind it, without this being documented. AT THE GARBAGE: This photo is supposed to show one of many dead dogs, dumped in a garbage dump in the city of Agri in Turkey. The picture was shared on 18 December. Photo: Paw Guards (Twitter) – Need for mass sterilization Another video posted on Twitter in December shows a man trying to strangle a dog in an alley in Saryer, just outside Istanbul. Another Twitter video purporting to show local authorities capturing a street dog and taking it away in a car is causing strong reactions. The animal protection organization Pets works for the rights of homeless animals. The leader of the organisation, Sibel Akin, believes the only solution to the street dog problem is a mass sterilization: – A street dog will normally only live around five years. Thus, a national mass vaccination and sterilization program will solve the problem within a few years, says Akin, according to The Observer.
