Grieving friends outside the house where the 11-year-old died – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Fellow students of the 11-year-old who died in the house fire in Sandefjord, came today and laid down flowers. They also put down personal last greetings to their deceased classmate. “We will miss you” “The worst thing is that you are gone” Joint celebration Monday Principal at Mosserød school in Sandefjord, Thomas Mørk Bjørvik, says he had a dialogue with the police about publication. The school invites to a joint celebration on Monday. – We are now a local community in mourning and therefore want to open the school from 16 to 19 today, so that we can gather for a memorial service where we can process what has happened together, Bjørvik says in a press release from Sandefjord municipality. – We stand together as employees at Mosserød school, and send our warmest thoughts to the next of kin and family, he writes in the invitation that was sent out earlier today. The marking will take place in the gymnasium where candles will be lit and with the opportunity to write memorial words in a protocol. – We also put out sheets and colored pencils so that the children can draw if they want. We place flowers outside in the schoolyard by the flagpole in memory of one of our own who has now passed away, says the principal. Employees in 5th grade and the management at Mosserød school will be present during the entire gathering, according to the municipality. Mayor Bjørn Ole Gleditsch in Sandefjord stated earlier today that it would be planned to have a celebration at the school. – Ignition of dimensions The fire in the two-storey house in Sandefjord will start on Sunday night. There were three apartments in the house, and neighbors told news on Sunday that the fire spread quickly throughout the house. – It was terrible, it was over-ignition of dimensions. I do not understand that it went so fast, said Rolf Jacobsen, who witnessed the fire. A young neighbor news has also spoken to, she says she heard several bangs ahead of the fire. – I woke up to 3-4 bangs. It was like the sound of shots, and then crackling, says the neighbor. According to police attorney Marianne Foyn Ranheimsæter, there were two people who were in the apartment with the 11-year-old when it started to burn. One of them has a family relationship. Both have been questioned, but the police have no suspicion that a criminal act has taken place. Investigators from the police arrived today at the fire scene in Sandefjord. Photo: John-André Samuelsen To investigate the fire site The police waited on Monday for Kripos to make a forensic investigation of the fire site in Sandefjord. Police attorney Ida Charlotte Einhausen says they hope it will provide much more information. It is expected that it will be completed during the week. – Is there a suspicion that something criminal has happened in connection with the fatal fire? – Not from the police. The police are now working to gather information and collect all observations. – This is a completely tragic incident that affects many people, and therefore a major investigation has been launched to clarify what has happened, says Einhausen. The home in Sandefjord is completely damaged after the violent fire on Sunday night. Photo: John-André Samuelsen / news
