Green areas crucial for reducing climate-related risk – often owned by private individuals and not the municipality – news Nordland

Bark beetles, ticks, forest fires, more frequent extreme weather and a sharp increase in rainfall. It could be the future for Northern Norway if we exceed the 1.5 degree UN target, according to a recent report. And it is likely that we do, according to the brains behind it. Green areas, such as your garden, can be part of the solution. Green areas, both smaller gardens and larger areas, can become important for receiving the water that comes with increased extreme weather. Photo: Anne Ognedal A climate that welcomes pests The UN determined in September that the world is not close to reaching the international climate goals. The organization stated that the world is heading towards 2.5 degrees, and the reduction to 1.5 seems to be a long way off. Now a new report states that such an excess is becoming more and more likely, without significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions this century. The northern region is already experiencing warmer and shorter winters. The report states that a warmer climate will lead to: A more favorable climate for pests, such as bark beetles and ticks A sharp increase in rainfall and more frequent extreme weather Shorter snow and ski seasons, and more unmanageable winters An increased need for air conditioning that can ensure a good indoor temperature in hospitals and nursing home Plants and trees are thirsty and can therefore take in a lot of water. Photo: Håkon Eliassen Green areas can counteract depression – The conclusion is that rising temperatures will mean serious trouble for people in the north, especially in the form of more extreme weather and increased precipitation, says Helena Gonzales Lindberg. She is a senior researcher at Nordlandsforsking and has developed the report together with a group of leading climate researchers, urban planners and experts in climate adaptation from various countries. – The biggest impact that occurs in the north is extreme weather in the form of much more precipitation than previously. Then there will be a need to handle all the excess water, says Gonzales Lindberg. Two things in particular become important: To keep the existing vegetation Do not remove and build away nature in the cities Researcher Helena Gonzales Lindberg says that a warmer climate will have a long-term effect on the ecosystem and human activities. Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / news – All trees and plants absorb water from the ground. In addition, water is drained down through the soil, in contrast to asphalt, says Gonzales Lindberg. For Northern Norway, it will be challenging to adapt the predicted increase in temperature locally, explains the researcher. That’s because Arctic regions are warming three times as fast as other places in the world. The area is often privately owned. In Bodø, green areas are very fragmented and usually privately owned, something that can lead to conflicts in future questions about, for example, building projects. – As of today, there are few urban planners who routinely assess the consequences of a possible increase in temperature above 1.5 degrees, says Gonzales Lindberg. Green areas, both smaller gardens and larger areas, can become important for receiving the water that comes with increased extreme weather. Photo: Anne Ognedal In the PROVIDE project, the researchers collaborate with Bodø municipality to look at how to adapt to the changes. But can the municipalities regulate what private persons do with their own land? Making more demands on private companies Kristin Stavnes Jordbru, head of urban development in Bodø municipality, explains that they are now making more demands than before. According to Stavnes Jordbru, the municipality has already started preparing for the flood of water that is predicted to come. – We have adopted our first thematic plan for surface water, which explores how Bodø municipality and society will respond to this. This mainly applies to practical requirements for larger development measures, more than a measure on a detached house plot, explains Kristin Stavnes Jordbru. Photo: Per-Inge Johnsen / Per-Inge Johnsen In the thematic plan, there is a requirement that a so-called blue-green factor should be taken into account in all zoning plans that are ready for development. It means how many green and blue factors one adds or removes in a project, i.e. a count of vegetation and water in construction matters. This factor is calculated according to a Norwegian standard. – An example is introducing green elements by taking part of the plot for park purposes, or establishing a lawn, adding trees and not closing a stream that, for example, runs on your property. – Are we talking about incentives or regulations? – These are requirements that have been adopted in the area part of the municipal plan, which are legally binding decisions that must be followed when developers prepare zoning plans for development. Stavnes Jordbru also points out that this is a trip for building case processing. This means that it is largely not about recommendations. – We have come a long way in making demands, also for the private sector. This is relatively new for the municipality. It was not made a legally binding requirement until June 2022. MDG: – Must stop reducing green space Party leader in the Green Party, Arild Hermstad, says that they are working to build more green space in all municipalities where they can govern and influence. Especially because we are in the middle of a nature crisis where the loss of nature amplifies climate change, he believes. Arne Hermstad in MDG. Photo: news / screenshot – Green areas are important both for the environment and for people, because they create a good living environment, less stress, increase the quality of life and actually provide better health. – Is it true that large parts of green areas are privately owned? – The most important thing is that green areas are managed in a good way, regardless of whether they are publicly or privately owned. It is then important for the authorities to say no to harmful development projects, whether on public or private plots where nature and important biological values ​​will be lost. How should the cities best meet the challenge of a lot of surface water? – We need clear requirements and expertise in the development of Norwegian cities that take into account climate-related challenges that will increase in the future. Demands for an increased number of green areas to exist where people live, and clear guidelines which ensure that the destruction of nature in urban areas is halted.
