Greater interest in international court against the Russians – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A Russian rocket recently leveled large parts of an apartment block in the city of Dnipro in Ukraine. The rescuers searched desperately for survivors in the ruins. At least 46 people lost their lives in the attack, 11 are still missing. Russian authorities deny that they attack civilian targets. But in Ukraine, the authorities are now collecting information on all the civilian targets that are hit. CIVILIANS AFFECTED: At least 46 people lost their lives when a powerful Russian rocket hit a block of flats in the city of Dnipro. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP The purpose is to have the information needed when it becomes possible to hold someone accountable for the many war crimes. It can happen at the International Criminal Court in The Hague in the Netherlands. Demand tribunal But the Ukrainian president will go further than this. – What is needed is a special international tribunal, says President Volodymyr Zelenskyj. He is certain that such a court will be established. PRESS ON: President Volodymyr Zelenskyj visited the front in eastern Ukraine in December. There he handed out medals to Ukrainian soldiers. Photo: STRINGER / AFP Zelenskyy says that all those who started this criminal war against Ukraine and against freedom in Europe will be held accountable. But the problem is that the international courts that exist today cannot accuse and judge political leaders in a country for starting a war of aggression or what is also called a war of aggression. Therefore, the demand for a special court is getting stronger. Germany is positive – We support Ukraine’s desire to establish a special court for Russia’s aggressive criminal acts with international support, says German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. WILL PUNISH: German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was in the Dutch city of The Hague recently. She said that an international tribunal is needed to punish the Russian leaders. Photo: Peter Dejong / AP The tribunal will be based on Ukrainian law, in addition to international elements, Baerbock said recently during a visit to The Hague. She was also in favor of changing international laws and regulations, so that starting a war of aggression in the future can be dealt with by the International Criminal Court. In that case, it will not be necessary to establish more special tribunals. But it is a process that will possibly take many years. The EU wants broad support – Russia must pay for its cruel criminal acts, including its criminal aggression against an independent state. That is what the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said some time ago. She emphasized that the EU is ready to cooperate with the international community in order to obtain the widest possible international support for a court. RUSSIA MUST PAY: The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is clearly in favor of establishing a special court. Photo: Virginia Mayo / AP – We propose to set up a special court supported by the UN to investigate and prosecute Russia’s criminal aggression, von der Leyen said. There are many indications that the political interest in such an international court is now greater among Western political leaders. Strong symbolic action In Europe in particular, there is a strong desire to punish the Russian leaders for the war of aggression in Ukraine, says international law expert Cecile Hellestveit to news. – Establishing a tribunal will be a very strong symbolic act, she emphasizes. Hellestveit believes that this is something western countries will go to great lengths to achieve. Not least European countries that want to show that it is completely unforgivable that Russian leaders have started a war in Europe knowingly and willingly. INTEREST: International law expert Cecilie Hellestveit says that European leaders will go to great lengths to establish an international court. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTB The expert says that these countries will use absolutely all means to try to punish Russian leaders for this. Uncertainty about the UN’s role According to Hellestveit, it is usually the UN Security Council that has the power to establish international tribunals against sovereign states. But now there is talk of bypassing the Security Council in order to agree on a tribunal against the Russian leaders, to avoid Russia vetoing the whole matter. She says it is an important question whether other states will also go outside the UN Security Council after this. According to the expert, one could perhaps say that this will weaken the UN Security Council, at a time when the Security Council has quite a few important functions. – So there is a real dilemma here, I think we can say, Hellestveit points out.
