Great victory for Labor – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Early on Friday morning, it was clear: the Labor party has gained a majority in Parliament and secured a historic victory in the British election. On Friday afternoon, figures from the BBC showed that Labor had won 412 seats. The Conservatives, Toryans, had only got 121. That is a crushing decrease of 251 from the last election in 2019. To get a majority, a party must win 326 seats. Now there is only one seat to be decided. Thus, 14 years of Conservative rule in Great Britain are over. – It is the biggest defeat in history, says UK expert Erik Mustad, senior lecturer at the University of Agder (UiA) to news. This is Britain’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer Born on 2 September 1962 in London. Party leader of Labor since 4 April 2020, when he took over from Jeremy Corbyn, who stood significantly further to the left. Graduated in law at the universities of Leeds and Oxford. Head of the Public Prosecution Service in England and Wales from 2008 to 2013. Was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 2013 Has been in the House of Commons since 2015, when he was elected from a constituency in north London Has been married to Victoria Starmer since 2007. They have two teenage children, a boy and a girl. Congratulations Starmer Mustad thinks it’s extra big because the conservative and former leader Boris Johnson won the election in 2019 by a good margin. – This is a total melting down of trust in the conservative politicians, he underlines. Mustad calls it a “dark night” for Toryane. For example, the Conservatives have lost all their MPs in Wales. Just before 6 o’clock Norwegian time, Prime Minister and Tory leader Rishi Sunak acknowledged that they had lost the election, and that he had called and congratulated Labor leader Keir Starmer on his victory. Tory leader Rishi Sunak watched as the election results came in. Photo: Temilade Adelaja / Reuters – I am now traveling to London where I will say more about the night’s result, before I left the post of prime minister for which I have given everything, said Sunak. Sunak continued as prime minister until he left the residence in No. 10 Downing Street and bids farewell to the King. It is expected that this will happen at 11.30 Norwegian time. Then Keir Starmer will also be officially appointed Prime Minister, before he takes over the Prime Minister’s residence. Promising people a “fair chance”, Sunak still represents his district in Parliament. But several well-known conservative politicians, such as former Prime Minister Liz Truss, have lost their seats. Keir Starmer, for his part, could celebrate a historic victory on Friday morning. – We did it. They campaigned for him, they fought for him, they voted for him, and now he is here, said Keir Starmer in his victory speech in London. – The change starts now, he emphasized to jubilant supporters. Starmer was himself re-elected to Parliament from his district in north London. Keir Starmer kisses his wife Victoria. Photo: Kin Cheung / AP – Our task is none other than to renew the ideas that hold our country together. A national renewal. If you work hard and follow the rules, this country must give you a fair chance to succeed – we will restore that, promised Starmer. Unclear promise of “change” Starmer said politics must return to serving the public. – This gives them enormous scope for action, but also pressure to deliver, says Erik Mustad at the University of Agder. And one thing can become a challenge. Keir Starmer has asked the voters to vote for him and for “change”, without it being entirely clear what kind of change it will be. – Here it’s actually just change, i.e. “change”, which has been the slogan, says Mustad. – In many ways, you haven’t seen a political package or a passable path for them to follow. I am excited to see how he approaches this when he rolls up his sleeves one after the other. Farage elected to the Parliament Ballokala closed at 11 pm Norwegian time on Thursday evening. A party that has made a particularly good choice is the Liberal Democrats. They have so far received 71 mandates, an increase of 63 since 2019. Counted mandates The number indicates how many mandates the party has received after the counting, while the number in brackets shows how many mandates the party has lost or won compared to the previous election in 2019. Labour: 412 seats (+211) The Conservatives: 121 seats (-251) The Liberal Democrats: 71 seats (+63) The Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP): 9 seats (-38) Sinn Fein: 7 seats (0) Independents: 6 seats ( +6) The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP): 5 seats (-3) The Greens: 4 seats (+3) Reform UK: 4 seats (+4) Welsh Plaid Cymru: 4 seats (+2) Social Democratic & Labor Party ( SDLP): 2 seats (0) Alliance Party (APNI): 1 seat (0) Ulster Unionist Party (UUP): 1 seat (+1) Traditional Unionist Voice (TUV): 1 seat (+1) Source: BBC Latest updated Friday at 19.08. The Scottish nationalist party SNP, which works for Scottish independence, has for its part made a bad choice. Previously, they only got 9 seats, down from 38. And for the first time, Reform UK leader and Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has been elected to Parliament – on the eighth attempt. The party has received 4 mandates. – The rebellion against the establishment is underway, Farage says in a video on X. Brexit general Nigel Farage called his supporters Friday morning. Photo: Clodagh Kilcoyne / Reuters Several million Britons had the chance to vote on Thursday for who they want to be their country’s new prime minister. In advance, it was predicted that turnout would be low. Friday morning, the BBC writes that only 60 percent of Britons have voted. Since 1885, it has only been lower once: in 2001. Incumbent Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty cast their votes in Northallerton. Photo: Temilade Adelaja / Reuters – The biggest election in a generation news was present at a vigil in London on Thursday evening. The organizer, Ed Saper, said that the election will be “the biggest election in a generation”. – My children are 11 years old. They have never known anything other than a Tory government. So for them the change will be as big as in 1997 when Labor last had power. Saper is a member of not one, not two, but four political parties. When asked why, he replies: – If you are a member, you are involved. Photo: Håvard Blekastad Almås / news A voter whom news met at one of the venues in London on Thursday had his dog with him. A great many Brits have done the same, as cute animals at the polls are about the only thing the press in Britain gets to cover while the voting is going on. – I think it has been a rather dirty campaign from some of the parties, said the dog owner. – There has been a desperation in the Conservative Party which has caused them to lie or bend the truth, I would say. – I don’t trust any of them An elderly woman who was also present said that she experienced this election as “ridiculously difficult”. – As far as I understand, politicians say what you want to hear, but do not follow through. None of them are very good, so my vote is a counter vote, she said, and secretly kept who she voted for. This voter, like many others, has lost faith in all the politicians participating in the election campaign. Photo: Håvard Blekastad Almås / news UK expert Erik Mustad believes that the Conservatives must now spend time finding answers to what has gone wrong. – The party has torn itself to pieces during this election campaign. In the years after Brexit and the years with Boris Johnson as leader, there has been a lot of internal strife, says Mustad and insists: – They should take a couple of steps back and not rush into a new leadership battle. Simply let a little water flow in the stream to analyze how this has gone so badly. Many people in Great Britain do not follow the news, and are rent by their politicians. Listen to the podcast from Urix: Published 04/07/2024, at 23.01 Updated 05.07.2024, at 20.12
