great risk of moose on the E6 in Troms, the wildlife commission reports, and the police warn – news Troms and Finnmark

NB! news warns of strong images in the case. On Monday evening, a moose calf was hit and later euthanized in Målselv in Troms. The next day, the calf’s mother, looking for the cub, was also hit and killed. This is what the game board in Målselv tells news. Since the New Year alone, there have been more than 20 moose collisions in the municipality. In the entire region, in addition to Trøndelag, there are a lot of moose in circulation at the moment, says Tor Eriksen. He is deputy chairman of the municipality’s wildlife committee. – It’s broken. What is happening now is not okay. Although, according to Eriksen, most people are good at following the moose warnings, there is room for improvement among motorists. – You should be careful to dim your lights when you meet other cars, and slow down a bit. There is great danger now, he says. – That’s when we often see it crash. Duties when hitting an animal It is not a criminal offense to run over an animal, but it is a criminal offense not to report it. In the event of an accident, you must report it to the police on 02800, who will notify the Game Board and other actors. If you are given permission to drive from the site, you must mark where the collision occurred or where the game is located with, for example, a plastic bag or something else clearly visible in your car so that personnel from the municipality can easily find the site. Feel free to give the coordinates to the police, which you can find in the map on the mobile phone. If you use the “Help 113” app on smartphones, you can call the police directly from the app and then they can see exactly where you are. Read more on the Norwegian Public Roads Administration’s website. – Was run over by several When the young calf was hit on Monday, there were several motorists who did not show sufficient consideration, says Eriksen. – Yesterday we even experienced people running over the legs of the calf while it was still alive in the road. It is downright reprehensible, he says. On Monday evening, after the incident, the police in Troms also went out and warned motorists in the area about a large presence of moose, and asked people to be aware. For those who work in the wildlife commission, it is hard to see when the animals have to suffer more than necessary, says Eriksen. – It makes a big impression on those of us who are out working and trying to end the animal’s suffering that some people do not show consideration. This incident from November also happened in Indre Troms. Fortunately, both the driver and the moose were fine. Video: Kjell Arvid Berg That’s why the moose is coming now The moose’s migration, which leads it over the roads, is linked to the weather conditions. – When we get more snow, the moose start their migration inwards towards the valleys. Before Christmas we had quite a bit of snow, and then there was a snowfall. And then it’s like a weather radar. It is the moose’s annual migration to a winter habitat, explains Eriksen. According to Eriksen, there are a lot of moose in several places in the country right now. – They move down from the mountains. Both in Finnmark, Troms, Nordland and Trøndelag there have been very many moose collisions. It has been very hectic in Målselv now since Christmas. The day after the calf died, the moose cow was probably looking for the kid, says Eriksen. It ended with the worst possible outcome for it as well. Photo: Målselv wildlife committee Clear message Following the repeated moose collisions in recent weeks, Eriksen has a clear message for motorists in moose-prone areas: – Take it easy. There are a lot of moose, roe deer, but also reindeer along the roads. Reduce your speed, especially where there is a lot of traffic and you cannot use high beams. – You always come forward. We should praise ourselves happily that it has not gone humanely in this this time. Think about both yourselves and the game, he says. Wild game search in Målselv on Tuesday evening. Photo: Kari Anne Skoglund / news And if the accident should happen first, you should do the following: – Then you have to protect yourself. If you need help, you must call 113. If not, you must get out the warning triangle and call the police operations center and notify. They have direct contact with us. – It is important to secure yourself on the road, so that you are not hit in any way. news corrects: previously it was stated that close to 20 animals have died as a result of moose collisions in Målselv since the New Year. The truth is that around twenty animals have been hit. Five of them have died. The change was made on 10 January at 22.59.
