Great effort at Byrkjelo to help the farmers affected by the fire – news Vestland

– I was told at 9pm yesterday that there was a fire. Then it was just a matter of getting both dung carts and animal carts on wheels, and traveling up. That’s what neighbor Anders Felde says. He is also the leader of the Vestland farming association and is full of compassion for the unfortunate farmers. Inside the burning farm building, dead animals lie in rows and rows. There is a gloomy atmosphere around the fire site. It is still unclear how many animals have been lost. There must have been around 230 animals on the farm. The police state that around 60 cattle were rescued before the flames took over. Villagers flock to help after a major fire. People did what they could to help The barn is new and is used for cattle and milk production. Felde says that many farmers and neighbors came to help last night and last night. People helped lay hoses and move animals. Several arrived with transport wagons for animals and manure wagons that can pump large quantities of water. There were strong impressions that met the neighbors of the fire-damaged barn. – It was a burnt-out building, there were animals everywhere and people everywhere. The animals that had been rescued ran up the slopes in the dark. It was dark, black and a terrible sight, says Felde. The family on the farm is clearly affected by what has happened, and does not wish to speak to the media. The animals that survived are now placed with other farmers in the area. – Taking care of the animals is an important contribution. They are taken care of, says Felde. Little remains of the large barn at Byrkjelo. Photo: Alf Vidar Snæland Strong impressions Mayor of Gloppen municipality Leidulf Gloppestad (Sp) is himself a dairy farmer. He says there have been strong impressions both last night and today. – It is a terrible tragedy, with great suffering for the animals. Gloppestad has great sympathy for the farmers and says Byrkjelo and Gloppen are local communities where people take care of each other. – The number of people here was unbelievable, people came with food and carts to help. The municipality has a crisis team that is available to farmers, in addition to agricultural expertise that can help them further. – It’s about showing care and consideration, and supporting them in the process they are going through, says Gloppestad. He is also full of words of praise for the fire service that prevented the fire from spreading. There was partly strong wind when the fire was at its strongest, and the houses in the yard are close. The animals are transported away after the big fire. Photo: Bård Siem / news A life’s work has gone up in flames The big fire at Byrkjelo started in the farm building on Friday evening. The police will not elaborate on what they believe is the cause of the fire. – We are at the very beginning of the investigation. First, we have to talk to those who were there to form a picture, says Superintendent of Police Nils Ove Roset. Forensic technicians are routinely on site. – It is a major animal tragedy, there is also major material damage. This is one of the largest farms in the region, and it is a life’s work that has gone up in flames, says Roset. When the fire brigade arrived, the flames had all spread to the roof. It was the owner of the barn who reported the fire. While the flames took hold, the fight to save the animals started. Four animals had to be euthanized on the spot. Photo: Eva Marie Felde / news Delighted that no lives were lost The farmers in the village are still working to distribute cows to various barns in the area. Another twenty will be distributed tomorrow. – I’m just glad that everyone is physically unharmed, and that the fire didn’t spread, says Anders Felde. Felde says the farmers are having a tough time. – They are having a very tough time, everything is chaotic, and it takes a terrible toll on them. As rural people, we must do everything we can to enable them to start their lives again. This stuck in people.
