Government party opens to expand abortion limit in Denmark – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Health Minister Sophie Løvde (V) says they will invite the party in the Danish parliament to discuss the new border. That’s what Danmarks Radio writes. Now the governing party is open to negotiating the new recommendation to the ethical council. After 50 years with an abortion limit at the 12th week of pregnancy, Danish women can now have the right to free abortion up to the 18th week of pregnancy. – A higher limit will give women more time and opportunity to consider abortion, believes the leader of the ethical council Leif Vestergaard, according to Danmarks Radio. The council also proposes that 15-17-year-old girls should be able to have an abortion without parental consent. 50 years since free abortion in Denmark The ethical council has looked at the abortion limit now because it is 50 years since free abortion was introduced in Denmark. There was a majority of nine out of 17 members of the council who voted to raise the abortion limit. Four of the members wanted the limit of 15 weeks, while the last four in the council wanted the same abortion limit as today. No one in the ethical council has wished to lower the limit from 12 weeks or raise the limit to more than 18 weeks, writes DR. Without parental consent, however, the Council is united when they now recommend that 15-17-year-old women should not have to obtain parental consent to have an abortion. In the report, they believe that the teenagers in this age group are fully capable of deciding for themselves. – Young women of that age must be able to have an abortion without the parents having to participate in it, says council leader Leif Vestergaard to the channel. The ethical council consists of 17 people who are both medical professionals and others with ordinary backgrounds. Up to the politicians It will now be up to the politicians in the Folketing to decide whether there will be changes to the abortion limit in Denmark. Three of the parties will retain the current abortion limit, five parties will raise the limit, while four parties have waited to come up with a position until after the independent report came out, writes DR.
