Google trends 2023, this became google – news Culture and entertainment

2023 is singing its last verse, and it’s time to take a look over the shoulder at the last twelve months. What news, phenomena and not least recipes have characterized the year? Google Norway has created the trend lists for 2023, i.e. the search terms that have increased the most compared to the previous year. During the year, Norwegians have wondered, among other things, how to vote and what ultra-processed food is. Like last year, the war in Europe has left its mark. So has the war in the Middle East. Words such as Hamas and the Wagner group are widely searched for. – Turbulent year – It has been a turbulent year, both in Norway and in the world. The war in the Middle East, we see, is going on again, says communications manager Sondre Ronander in Google Norway to news. – I also note this question, what is woke? So it’s a bit like that culture war also comes up on the list. There is perhaps an increased interest there, he adds. Sondre Ronander in Google Norway believes privacy characterizes this year’s lists. Photo: Mari Reisjå / news Ronander believes that part of the reason for the wake is due to editor Danby Choi in Subjekt. Earlier this year, he published the book “Cancel me if you can”, which may have contributed to bringing attention to the topic. Top 10 “What is? …» 1. What is Hamas 2. What is woke 3. What is ultra-processed food 4. What is the Wagner group 5. What is red meat 6. What is olsok 7. What is YS 8. What is AI 9. What is crossfit 10. What is the tree line The war in the Middle East has received a lot of focus during the past year. It is reflected in the search trends at Google Photo: MAHMUD HAMS / AFP – Gives a picture of the development Professor of media studies Petter Bae Brandtzæg at UiO, for his part, believes that the trend lists from Google largely reflect what is relevant. – If you analyze the lists from years back, you will, to a large extent, see a very good picture of what time has been like, as well as how it has developed. These lists also give a good picture of the situation here and now, he says to news. Top 10 “Why? …» 1. Why chanterelles 2. Why do we celebrate Olsok 3. Why is Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest 4. Why is the krone so weak 5. Why is there war in Israel 6. Why did Bård leave Farmen 7. Why Pentecost 8. Why do we celebrate Sami national day 9. Why is Israel in Eurovision 10. Why does the USA support Israel Petter Bae Brandtzæg at the University of Oslo points out that this year’s lists are characterized by international politics, social policy and artificial intelligence. Photo: Werner Juvik / Werner Juvik AI and privacy The privacy team is again in this year’s lists. Among other things, Norwegians have wondered how to remove Snapchat’s text robot “My AI”, how to make the Instagram profile private, and how to reserve against door sales. – AI (artificial intelligence) is something a lot of people talk about. What is perhaps a little surprising is that ChatGPT is not on the list. I had actually expected that, says Brandtzæg. Top 10 “How to …?” 1. How to vote 2. How to remove My AI 3. How to make Instagram private 4. How to reserve against door sales 5. How to wash a down jacket 6. How to get rich in a year 7. How to get tan 8. How to get water out of the ear 9 How to get rid of mucus in the throat 10. How to get meningitis During 2023, many Norwegians have searched for answers to how to remove the text robot “My AI” from Snapchat – I think it will be high on the list because people are skeptical of that the robot is not open about what data it collects. – When you ask it, for example, if it knows where you are, it will answer no. But if you ask where the nearest McDonalds is, it will be able to give you an answer based on where you are, says the professor. Ronander in Google Norway says for his part that the focus on privacy has not only taken place here in Norway. – What we see is that global searches related to privacy have increased significantly in the last three to four years. So I think we will have new discussions related to privacy and artificial intelligence, he believes. Reiulf Steen on the top TV series “Makta” has received a lot of attention this autumn. This is reflected, among other things, in the fact that Reiulf Steen is at the top of the “Top 10 names” list. Part of the explanation is due to the fact that Norwegians have sought out the former Ap politician to find out more about him. – “Makta” has become super popular and many people wonder who Reiulf Steen really was. Did he have a relationship with Gro or not?, says Petter Bae Brandtzæg. Reiulf Steen and Gro Harlem Brundtland were close colleagues in the 70s and 80s. “Makta” is introduced as a story “based on truth, lies and bad memory”. Photo: NTB Scanpix Ronander in Google Norway highlights much of the same in his explanation: – I cannot imagine that Reiulf Steen has been very far ahead in the consciousness of Norwegians. But then there is a series that the whole population gathers around, says Ronander and adds: – I have taken it upon myself to become interested in the historical sources. I have gone in and read about Reiulf Steen. You become interested in the story behind it, and we see that here, he says. Top 10 names 1. Reiulf Steen 2. Emma Steinbakken 3. Bjørn Eidsvåg 4. Jon Fosse 5. Ingebjørg Bratland 6. Viggo Venn 7. David Beckham 8. Nora Haukland 9. Andrew Tate 10. Erna Solberg Bjørn Eidsvåg on several lists Common for the top lists of musicians and names is that Bjørn Eidsvåg comes high. That impresses Ronander. – I mean I see Bjørn Eidsvåg from time to time on our lists. So he has an ability to stay forever up-to-date, and I find that impressive. – That an established music artist manages to get us to search for him time and time again is surprising, but fun to see, he says. Bjørn Eidsvåg was in this year’s season of “Hver gang we meet”. It has helped drive search interest upwards. Photo: Terje Pedersen / Terje Pedersen Like other names on the lists, Eidsvåg has taken part in this year’s edition of “Hver gang vi møtes”. Ronander points out the trend which shows that Google’s search statistics go up when famous people are involved in different TV concepts. – We see every single year that TV programs highlight certain names. It could, for example, be the Master of Masters for that matter. You sit down and start searching through old sports history and great sporting moments. So such TV moments drive search interest, he says. Top 10 musicians 1. Emma Steinbakken 2. Bjørn Eidsvåg 3. Ingebjørg Bratland 4. Kristian Kristensen 5. Loreen 6. Alessandra Mele 7. Bruce Springsteen 8. Isah 9. Ida Jenshus 10. Freddy Kalas “Barbenheimer” in the top tier We also support us a strong film and TV year. The year started with, among other things, the HBO series “The Last of Us” and the news series “Exit”. The TV series end up in second and third place on Google’s search list. Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey starred in the TV series “The Last of Us”, which premiered on 15 January this year. Photo: HBO The spaces around belong to the blockbuster films “Oppenheimer” and “Barbie”. The films premiered on the same day this summer, and the combination was dubbed “Barbenheimer”. Top 10 film & TV 1. Oppenheimer 2. The Last of Us 3. Exit 4. Barbie 5. Ginny & Georgia 6. Everything Everywhere All at Once 7. Stjernekamp 8. Girls of Oslo 9. Makta 10. Events by water Margot Robbies interpretation of Barbie engaged the world’s film audiences this summer. Photo: Jaap Buitendijk / Jaap Buitendijk Jelly trend When you finally look at the list of which food recipes Norwegians have searched for, it becomes clear that the year 2023 has been characterized by a jelly trend. Apple jelly and blackcurrant jelly reign supreme. – I think this with jelly on top is a bit of fun. I have not seen that before, so maybe it has been a jelly trend this year, says Ronander. For his part, Brandtzæg says that he has not contributed to the jelly trend. – Cauliflower soup and roast lamb are probably the recipes I am most familiar with on that list, he concludes. Top 10 food recipes 1. Apple jelly 2. Blackcurrant jelly 3. Cucumber salad 4. Veal dance 5. Apple juice 6. Bruschetta 7. Cauliflower soup 8. Water cakes 9. Jewish cakes 10. Roast lamb List of the most searched global trends on Google since 2004: Album cover: Abbey Road Boyband: BTS Grammy Winner: Beyoncé Songwriter: Taylor Swift Anime: Naruto: Shippuden Fanfiction: Harry Potter Pokemon: Pikachu Princess (Fictional: Ariel Superhero: Spider-Man Toy: Barbie Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Zodiac Sign: Leo Athlete: Cristiano Ronaldo Food: Chinese food Emoji: Heart ❤️ Fashion Icon: Rihanna Haircut: Bobcut Landmark: Eiffel Tower Scientist: Albert Einstein Sneaker: Nike Air Jordan Pizza Type: Chicago-style pizza Subculture: Punk Video Game: Minecraft
