– Good that the apprentice was not in the car – news Vestland

In Tyssedal in Hardanger there has been a rock slide, probably from Tveitanuten. – We are going to evacuate four houses, says Inge Rognve, the fire service’s emergency manager at the site, to news. Sixteen people are to be evacuated from the four houses. Ola Børve has emptied the company car that was smashed on Thursday morning of tools. – It is not going anywhere. It’s probably finished, Børve says of the car. The car belongs to an apprentice in Børve’s company. – It’s a good thing the crash happened before the apprentice got into the car. Otherwise, it is of course scary. This cloud of smoke was visible on the other side of the fjord on Thursday morning. Photo: Dagfinn Lutro – A large stone has come that has jumped over the guardrail, hit a garage and entered a car. In addition, a number of pebbles have fallen on a neighboring house, says Rongve. – It appears to be a larger slide, with stones the size of an ATV, says operations manager in the West police district, Tom Johannessen. Emergency services are on site. At 07.54 the police report on Twitter that the evacuation of some of the houses in the vicinity of the landslide has started. – The municipality has been notified and will start an investigation with a view to the risk of new landslides, the West police district reports on Twitter. A helicopter with a geologist on board has recently started flying over the city. The weight of the wreckage Inger Marie Tjordal lives in one of the four houses that have been evacuated. She was weighed down by a big crash in the sixties. She lives there with two children and a roommate. – I just dressed us and got the kids to school, I’ve also traveled, says Tjordal. The children, aged 9 and 12, had to be devastated after the incident. – Were you scared yourself? – Yes, I got a little nervous, says Tjordal. Close to Tyssedal, in July last year, there were two large landslides in one week. Tjordal took these photos before she left town: Hjørnesteinbedrift hit the Steinraset in Tyssedal in Hardanger has hit the factory area of ​​Eramet Titanium and Iron. – We received information that rocks had fallen on the southern part of our facility. This is an area we use for storage, so it has not had direct consequences, says Jorulf Kyrkjeide, responsible for sustainability and communication at Eramet. No injuries have been reported to any of the 150 employees who were at work when it collapsed. The factory area is approximately 1.5 kilometers long, along the seafront by the Sørfjorden.
