Good news about the king’s health – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The King’s general condition is satisfactory, and the doctors are satisfied with the development, the Palace said in a press release this afternoon. Furthermore, the royal house states that the infection is now under control. It is the first time it has been established. In the previous update on the king’s health situation, it was said that the infection had recently come more under control. Now the Castle has good news and reports a clear positive development in that the infection is now under control. Will probably have a pacemaker inserted next week. Thus, the king may also soon have a permanent pacemaker inserted. According to Slottet, it will probably happen early next week. The king needs a permanent pacemaker due to his heart rate being too low. Senior doctor at Oslo University Hospital explains what a permanent pacemaker is. Pacemaker is a system that can stimulate the heart muscle electrically so that a heartbeat can be started. Properly adapted, it completely or partially replaces the heart’s conduction system. On Saturday, it became known that the King had been fitted with a temporary pacemaker at the Sultanah Maliha Hospital in Langkawi due to a low heart rate. The decision was made on Saturday morning and was supposed to make the journey home safer, stated the king’s physician Bjørn Bendz in a press release at the time. The king has also previously undergone interventions related to the heart. In 2020, King Harald replaced a heart valve at Rikshospitalet, after struggling with heavy breathing. Also in 2005, he also underwent an operation on the heart valve between the heart and the main artery. At that time, the aortic valve was replaced with an artificial heart valve. Sick on holiday Just over a week ago, the royal house announced that King Harald had fallen ill during a private holiday in Malaysia and had been admitted to hospital there. The king was on holiday in Malaysia with the queen. According to the royal family, the king was hospitalized with an infection and received good follow-up by both Norwegian and Malaysian health personnel. The king’s physician, who is usually a doctor at the National Hospital, himself went to Malaysia after the king’s hospitalization. Last year, King Harald had 431 work assignments – this is how his working day looks like:
