Gjensidige has received over 200 damage reports after the snow chaos on Monday – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

The snowfall in Eastern Norway has led to a number of accidents and traffic accidents. The insurance company Gjensidige says they have received over 200 snow-related damage reports since this morning. – We expect that number to rise throughout the evening and the next few days, says Bjarne Aani Rysstad, communications manager at Gjensidige. Risking NOK 0 in insurance compensation Snow and slippery roads came as a surprise to many road users on Monday. Things have been hectic with the police. – We have had over 200 assignments today alone, which is far above normal, says operations manager in the East police district, Svein Walle. Both the police and the National Roads Administration have been very clear in their recommendation to leave the car parked if it has summer tyres. Aani Rysstad in Gjensidige agrees, and says the consequences of taking the chance can be very expensive. Bjarne Aani Rysstad, communications manager at Gjensidige, says they expect even more snow-related damage reports during the evening on Monday. Photo: Mats Stordal / Gjensidige – When there is a match between damage and tire equipment, there will almost certainly be a reduction. We have had examples in recent years where there has been NOK 0 in compensation. Chaos at tire workshops In many places there has been complete chaos at tire workshops that have tried to help everyone with summer tyres. At the drop-in service of the company Dekkproff outside Østfoldhallen in Fredrikstad, some people had to wait 3-4 hours in a queue to have their tires changed. – I have been standing here for approximately three and a half hours. I have had a home office in the car for so long, but now the battery on the computer was dead! So it’s good that it was my turn, says Kathrine Tallis. Kathrine Tallis had to wait almost four hours for a tire change on Monday. Photo: Lars Håkon Pedersen / news For Joachim Nyseth and the others at Dekkproff, it has been a hectic working day. They would rather have seen the first snowfall wait. – We would rather have a smooth flow over time, so that customers did not have to stand in queues for so long. But it never fails, it happens every year, says Nyseth.
