Gjelsvik out of government, Sande in – Latest news – news

16 October 2023 at 09:47 Sources to news: Gjelsvik out of government, Sande in Municipal and District Minister Sigbjørn Gjelsvik (Sp) is stepping down from government today, and Erling Sande (Sp) is coming in, sources confirm to news. It was TV 2 that first reported this. Until this morning, it was assumed that SP would not change its government team, but now there will still be a change, as it appears. Sande is 44 years old and met as permanent deputy representative for Liv Signe Navarsete in the Storting from 2005 to 2013. He returned to the Storting again from 2021. When he was not in the Storting, Sande was executive vice president for strategy and development at Sogn og Fjordane energi. Sande is from Bremanger in Sogn og Fjordane and is currently head of the transport and communications committee at the Storting. He was also chairman of the energy and environment committee from 2009 to 2013. Sande is educated at the University of Bergen. Large parts of Ap’s government staff will today be changed in a cabinet meeting at the castle at 11 o’clock.
