Gives less stress and more time – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I would have been stressed if I had waited until November or December, then I think it would have worked out for me, says Liza Marie Thorvaldsen to news. She has long since started shopping for Christmas presents for this year. Thorvaldsen has no doubts about what is needed to keep Christmas peace at home. – I am perhaps a bit more excited than many others, she says. She started her Christmas shopping already in January. – Then I won’t have to spend all my money in the last months before Christmas on presents, she says. Good planning = more happiness Professor of psychology at NHH, Helge Thorbjørnsen advises people to be outside well in advance. Even shopping as late as Christmas Eve. Photo: NHH Professor at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), Helge Thorbjørnsen, is himself late shopping for Christmas presents, despite the fact that he works with consumer psychology. – People are chronically optimistic, and we think we get time for much more than we actually have time for. Early action can lead to less stress and other psychological reactions, he says. There are people who need good planning in order to have control over their lives. Others live on risky days. – The advantage is that you spend much less money, compared to just before Christmas when there are higher prices and a poorer selection. You get more quality in the decisions and less spontaneous purchases, says Thorbjørnsen. Staggering numbers Last year, Norwegians bought Christmas presents for NOK 130 billion (!). That is two percent more than the year 2020, according to figures from Statistics Norway and Virke. – It has never been more difficult to make a forecast for this year’s Christmas shopping. We are scratching our heads a lot now because there is so much uncertainty with electricity, increased interest rates and inflation, says Jarle Hammerstad, who is head of industry policy at Virke. CONCERNED: Jarle Hammerstad, who is head of industry policy in Virke, does not see the Christmas shopping this year positively. Photo: Virke The industry association Virke will come up with this year’s forecast in November, but already does not believe in an increase in Christmas shopping. – There is pressure on prices, and many industries are doing what they can to keep prices down. But they can’t hand out free goods either, so it’s a balancing act, says Hammerstad. He praises Liza who is early in planning. – It is a good move. Many people plan their Christmas shopping well in advance, and there are fewer people who make shock purchases now than in the last week before Christmas. For many, trading starts in November, says Jarle Hammerstad. Starts already in January For Liza Thorvaldsen, it is important that the run-up to Christmas is relaxing and cozy. She says that the careful planning of the Christmas shopping began when she had children. – I think it is very nice that we have that month of the year where we are together a little extra and do things that are a little different, says Thorvaldsen. SHOPPER: – I like to give things with my heart and that the gifts mean something, says year-round shopper Liza Thorvaldsen. Photo: Caroline Bergli Tolfsen / news Increased coping, happiness, less stress and more control. These things mean that the woman from Trøgstad spends a lot of time planning Christmas presents already during the January sales after Christmas. – I like to give things from the heart and that the gifts mean something. The early Christmas action started when she had a baby. – I think it is very nice that we have that month of the year where we are together a little extra and do things that are a little different, says Thorvaldsen. Are you thinking of something? Hi! Would you like to advise me on a possible case? Feel free to contact us by e-mail.
