Giske wrecked by the nomination committee once again – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

First, Trondheim Ap Giske entered as the top candidate on the Storting list. He then became only one of nine members of the nomination committee who wanted Giske in the Storting. Then the municipal party came up with input and Trondheim Labor Party still wants Giske in the Storting. And now the nomination committee has sent out its final proposal: The majority is scrapping Giske again. Has the majority of the municipal party behind him The leader of the nomination committee, Roar Aas, says he is satisfied with the committee’s work. – We have done a thorough job and listened to input from the municipal party. He says the majority of party members agree with what the nomination committee has now put forward. List proposal from the nomination committee in the south: This is the list from the majority in the nomination committee in the south: Per Olav Skurdal Hopsø Sara Shafighi Isak V. Busch Emilie Græsli Jan Haugen Vibeke Stjern Håkon Einarsve Marit Bjerkås Kjell-Arve Aspaas Anniken Refseth Ole L Haugen Sandra Åberg Leko Karim Tahir Berit Flåmo Emil Raaen Marit Liabø Sandvik This is the list from the minority: Trond Giske Anniken Refseth Kristine Solli Kjell-Arve Aspaas Tor Snøve Line Terese Flåtten – 14 party teams are in favor of the majority list, while three are in favor of an alternative where the 3rd place is changed . On the other side, there are four party groups that support the minority list. Nevertheless, Aas is not sure what the final result will be when the lists are voted on. – It is a bit 50/50 whether it will be one or the other list. Uncertain future also for Kjerkol It will not be until 30 November that we get an answer as to who will end up at the top of the Storting list from Trøndelag Ap. The nomination process in Trøndelag The Labor Party in Trøndelag is in the process of finding out who will represent the party from Trøndelag after next year’s parliamentary election. The party will come up with a list of candidates for Nord-Trøndelag and a list for Sør-Trøndelag. Because even though Trøndelag became a single county in 2018, Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag still have their own electoral districts. Trond Giske was voted as the top candidate on Trondheim Ap’s proposal for the nomination list. Only one of nine members of the nomination committee wants Trond Giske in the Storting. In the first draft of the nomination list, Giske’s name is not on the list for the majority in the committee. A proposal from the minority, one of nine members, had Trond Giske in 1st place. When Trondheim Ap had to give feedback on the nomination committee’s proposal for the Storting list, Trond Giske was once again voted the top candidate. He received 98 votes against 62 votes for Per Olav Skurdal Hopsø in the battle for first place for Trondheim Ap. The nomination committee for the Labor Party in Sør-Trøndelag has sent out its final proposal for the nomination list. The list will be debated and voted on at the nomination meeting on 30 November. Whoever ends up at the top of the Storting list for the Labor Party in Sør-Trøndelag election must be finally decided on 30 November. Then a final list from both the Labor Party in Northern and Southern Trøndelag will be chosen. Show more The entire county party will then meet to debate and vote on a list for Northern Trøndelag and a list for Southern Trøndelag. The nomination committee for the Labor Party in Nord-Trøndelag will have its meeting and come up with a proposal for the final list on Monday 21 October. When the municipal party had to submit their lists of who they would most like to have in the Storting, Kjerkol was rejected by several. At first there were only four local teams that had Kjerkol as their top candidate, Stjørdal, Flatanger, Meråker and Frosta. But after the last round of input from the municipal party, it became clear that Steinkjer is turning around and put Kjerkol at the top of the list. – We need the expertise and experience that Ingvild has built up over many years, and I am very happy that the members’ meeting agreed to that proposal. That’s what May Britt Lagesen in Steinkjer Ap said after the municipal party reversed Kjerkol’s position. But it has not yet been decided. The row in Trondheim Ap Ever since Trond Giske was elected as the top candidate on the Storting list for Trondheim Ap for the first time, the municipal party has split. Personal attacks and internal disputes have been taken both from the pulpit and in the media. – Stop reaching down on each other. The personal attacks come more frequently and are rougher. I can’t have it like this. That’s what the leader of Trondheim Ap, Pål Sture Nilsen, said when they once again chose Trond Giske as their top candidate. – It is divisive and harmful, he added. Aas in the nomination committee also says there are big challenges in the municipal party. – I have big challenges. How we assemble the team is up to the board of Trondheim Ap, but we in the nomination committee will now do our part. During the nomination process, several of the politicians in Trøndelag Ap have withdrawn and said that they do not want a place in the Storting. And when Kirsti Leirtrø resigned, she asked Giske to do the same from the top of the list. – I don’t want Trond. Now I ask him to step aside for new, younger forces, to move forward, she said. But Giske has replied that he will not do that. Published 15.10.2024, at 18.27 Updated 15.10.2024, at 18.51
