Girl in her teens died after motorbike accident in Hamar – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The police received a report of a traffic accident at 07:57. A passenger car and a light motorbike were involved in the accident at Gåsbuvegen in Hamar. The driver of the MC, a 17-year-old girl, was taken to the hospital in Hamar. She was later pronounced dead. Relatives have been notified and are being looked after by crisis teams, the police report. A man in his 50s, who was driving the car, is being cared for by the occupational health service. Driving licenses have not been seized, the police say. Unclear cause The police are investigating the accident and have forensic technicians on the scene. – Forensic investigations will be carried out here now, says task leader Mona Øverby at Innlandet police district to news. The National Road Administration’s accident team is also on the scene. The accident happened in an 80 zone. – Unbelievably sad Principal Ingvild Rønn Sætre at Hamar Cathedral School, where the deceased was a pupil, says that they have informed fellow pupils. – It was unbelievably sad to receive such a message. We have a routine for how to handle things like this and we have followed that. She says they have informed that students can have conversations with someone if they wish. Road closed The police expected the road to be closed for some time to come. – The police expect to be finished at the scene within one to two hours, says operations manager Rune Vegard Huse. ACCIDENT: The accident must have happened on Gåsbuvegen in Hamar.
