Gigantic ferist in Stange prevents game drives on E6 – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

In recent years, the number of animals hit by motor vehicles has increased sharply. Last year alone, over 13,000 moose and roe deer were registered as having been hit by another car or train, figures from the Deer Register show. On average, 35 animals were run over every single day. On the E6 in Stange, the wildlife committee has had to move out time and again to remove or euthanize animals that had strayed into the road. But about a year ago, action was taken. And it has been proven to work. Now it may be relevant to try the same thing in several places. HIT: The number of animals hit by traffic increases every year. Photo: Jørn Harald Sørlie Great need for measures – It is clear that it is good to release all the expressions, says the head of the wildlife commission, John Terje Johansen. On the stretch of E6 in Stange, the wildlife commission received approximately 25 reports of animals inside the game fence during one season. But about a year ago, a 4×12 meter fence was erected. Since then, only one animal has crossed the road. STOPS THE ANIMALS: The fence prevents the animals from getting onto the road, but ensures that the traffic can move. Photo: Reidar Gregersen / news There was a great need for measures on the stretch to prevent these animals from being hit. – It goes without saying what can happen when people come at 110 kilometers an hour, and suddenly something completely unexpected jumps into the road. It can have disastrous consequences, says Johansen. According to him, many sad situations, both for animals and humans, have been avoided after they got the ferista in place. TRIST LAGNAD: When you reach 110 km/h, there can be catastrophic consequences if something suddenly jumps into the road, says Johansen. Photo: Jørn Harald Sørlie A major project Bjørn Inge Holter is a project manager in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. He says that the ferista is part of a larger project to create safer driving conditions on the stretch. Therefore, the project manager does not have specific figures on how much the ferista has cost. He nevertheless clarifies that every single kroner is worth it: – All accidents we can avoid with game drives are a good investment. NEED: Holter says that there was a great need for measures, based on the figures the National Road Administration receives from the Game Board. Photo: Reidar Gregersen / news It is not only in Stange that measures are being taken to prevent wildlife collisions. In Tokke municipality in Telemark, they use snowmobiles: Currently several places The project manager says that the National Road Administration is very grateful for the cooperation they have with the wildlife board and the contractors to find good solutions that can prevent wildlife accidents. Now it may be relevant to think about the same solution in several places. GIGANTIC: Ferista is a whopping 4×12 meters in size, and is probably the largest the Swedish Road Administration has made. Photo: Kjell Åge Kampestuen / news Even if the ferista is full of ice and snow during the day, things indicate that the animals do not cross it, says head of the wildlife commission John Terje Johansen. Johansen is not sure whether it is a coincidence, or whether it is because they are attracted to metal. – But it has gone very well. Surprisingly good, he says. Håvard Lonbakken is production manager at Lonbakken mechaniske verk, which has made the giant ferista. – It is without a doubt the biggest one we have made. I actually think it is the biggest in the whole world, he says. AMAZING: Lonbakken thinks it’s great that the big ferista has worked so well. Photo: Private The production manager thinks it is good to see that it is working. – We did not expect such great success. It is in a completely different league, so it is cool to see that it has gone so well. Now the company is trying to develop the ferista, because they see that the need is great. – There is something that works to prevent collisions. I hope it will be relevant to make more, he says.
