Gets a refusal to drive for nine months after this

Several messages ticked in to the operations center at the Inland Police on the afternoon of Thursday 14 July. The messages were the same: A semi-trailer on its way south on national road 3 between Hanestad and Atna made several dangerous overtaking. It did not like the police who take dangerous driving very seriously. Small margins Police attorney in the Innlandet police district, Julie Dalsveen, says that the driver will be fined. – The margins are small. We see this in the video material we receive from the audience. The danger potential is great when driving with heavy vehicles, she says. DANGEROUS: Police attorney Julie Dalsveen says the danger potential is great with such driving. Photo: Kjell Åge Kampestuen / news The police sent out a patrol that stopped the driver. The result was a nine-month driving ban for negligent overtaking and driving at a red light in a road work area. It was the Labor Court that first mentioned the case. Difficult to interpret So far this summer, 909 driving license seizures have been registered in June and July due to speed. In the two months last year, a total of 1277 driving licenses were seized. UP manager Knut Smedsrud says it is terribly difficult to say anything about the development based on these figures. Last year, covid put an end to drug control. This year, the police have a strong focus on this, and everyone who is stopped by the police must blow. This also makes it safer to drive while intoxicated. DIFFICULT: UP manager Knut Smedsrud says it is difficult to compare the figures. Photo: The police It takes a lot of resources and therefore it is difficult to say anything about the development at speed. – We have made a capacity shift this year. We invest 75 percent of the effort on Europaveger and national roads since the accident density is twice as high here. We hope when the speed also slows down, he says. The police are happy with tips Dalsveen says the police appreciate that the public gets in touch in such cases. – It makes it possible to act on such driving there and then, she says. She does not want to categorize this particular overtaking, but emphasizes that it is dangerous.
