Germans demonstrate against plans for mass deportations – Latest news – news

19 January 2024 at 01:33 Germans demonstrate against plans for mass deportations In Germany, leaders and activists on the far right wing have discussed mass deportations with the right-wing populist party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). Plans to deport “undesirable” citizens – including people with German citizenship – were presented at a meeting held in Potsdam last December. On the outskirts of the eastern German city, politicians, business people and activists from the far right in Germany and Austria met. Plans for what will be implemented when the far right comes to power in Germany were also discussed. With the help of agents, German investigative media outlet Correctiv attended the secret meeting, which is sending shockwaves through Germany, according to Danmarks Radio. The revelations have prompted tens of thousands to demonstrate in cities across Germany in the past week. Chancellor Olaf Scholz demonstrated in Potsdam, where he lives. On Friday evening, large demonstrations against the far right are announced in the million-dollar city of Hamburg.
