Geiranger gets better preparedness: – It is extremely important that the emergency services are nearby

The world-famous village in Stranda municipality has just over 200 permanent residents, but in the summer there can be 15,000 visitors in one day. – Geiranger has few inhabitants, but several thousand tourists in the summer, and then they need good preparedness to be present. Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl talks about the importance of Geiranger now having better preparedness. On Monday, she stopped by for a tour and information about the new emergency center the municipality is building. Minister of State Emilie Enger Mehl on a visit to Geiranger. Photo: Remi Sagen / news The minister explains that it is particularly important to have good preparedness in the village, because it is a place that can easily become isolated. – It can be difficult to get in with people from outside. There are so many people present that there must be a permanent presence from, for example, the police, says Enger Mehl. – Has always cost Mayor of Stranda Jan Ove Tryggestad (Sp) is honest that the center has cost a lot of money. – Preparedness in Stranda has always cost money. The alternative is to run afoul of the legislation, and not least with the well-being of the citizens, he says and continues: – I spend money on what I believe is right. Mayor of Stranda Jan Ove Tryggestad (Sp) and Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl (Ap). Photo: Remi Sagen / news He is very satisfied that the house, which will house both the police, fire and ambulance, is nearing completion. – This is a happy thing for those who are concerned with preparedness, and that is us in Stranda municipality, he says. Project manager Inge Hole explains that the building is divided into different zones for the agencies, but that it also has a common area that the agencies must use together. Better working conditions The fire chief in the municipality, Inge Teigen, is very much looking forward to moving into new premises. He looks forward to being able to offer the employees proper working conditions. – Here everything will be as it should be at a fire station. – Geiranger is a bit of a special place in terms of preparedness, isn’t it? – Yes, we have to fend for ourselves for quite some time before other agencies come to assist us. At least we have to manage for an hour alone. Photo: Remi Sagen / news Minister of Justice Mehl is pleased that the emergency center in Geiranger will be ready soon. – It is extremely important that the police and other emergency services are nearby when something happens.
