Geir Olav Wien met a car coming in the wrong direction on the motorway at Gran på Hadeland – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

On Friday morning, the family man from Gran in Hadeland was supposed to drive to work. As usual, he took highway 4 north. After a short while behind the wheel, Wien became aware of a passenger car coming towards him in the opposite direction – i.e. on the wrong side of the guardrail that separates oncoming traffic. – It’s scary then. If you crash at that speed, it’s quite dangerous. There could be major damage, says the 42-year-old to news. It was the newspaper Hadeland that first wrote about the case. The speed limit at the place where the incident happened on Jaren is 90 km/h. Fortunately, everything went well because Vienna was in the right lane. He says that several cars flashed to warn. Family father Geir Olav Wien says it was probably luck that the incident ended so well. Photo: Private – It was luck. I had just passed a couple of cars a little earlier in the left lane. Then you can imagine what would have happened if it had melted there! You have to have a bit of luck in bad luck, he says. Filmed what happened The dangerous incident was captured on two video cameras, so-called dashboard cameras, which Wien has installed in his car and which point both forwards and backwards. According to the time indicated on the videos, the dangerous situation occurred at 0719 on Friday morning. The 42-year-old says he has not reported the incident to the police. – I blinked at the car and saw that it drove off the highway. Then I thought the danger was over. If I had seen the car continue, I would have called the police straight away, he says. Unknown to the operations center Operations manager at the police in Innlandet, Atle Bernhoft von Obstfelder, says that they have not recorded such an incident in their logs. – But I have to take into account that the local police in Hadeland may have been notified and are aware of the matter. If not, you will be able to make a local assessment of the matter on Monday, I think, he says. In general, he encourages people to report dangerous incidents that could be punishable to the police. news has been in contact with a car owner who is registered with a license plate number that apparently appears on the car in the video. The person says that the incident is completely unknown. There have also been cases in the past in several places in the country where motorists make mistakes and drive in the wrong direction on the motorway. But it is rare that someone does it on purpose, as in this case from Vestland last year: Published 22.06.2024, at 15.24 Updated 22.06.2024, at 15.27
