Geir Kåre Nyland won again – Greater Oslo

– This means everything to me, says Geir Kåre Nyland to news. news gets in touch with him on a plane at Gardermoen. He is on his way to Poland with his family to celebrate. – I am very happy. It’s a relief to win for the second time. It hasn’t quite dawned on me that I’ve won, says Nyland. The Court of Appeal emphasized that the accident could have been avoided with better signage. – The municipality was aware that bathing was taking place from Tomtekaia, and the potential for damage was great due to the pipe as the pipe under the surface that the municipality – not the bathers – knew about, says his lawyer Christian Lundin. The former MMA athlete, Geir Kåre Nyland (33) was paralyzed from the chest down after a diving accident from the pier at the Munch Museum in May three years ago. He hit concrete underwater head first. Geir Kåre took legal action against Oslo municipality. He thought it was too poorly signposted. He won in the district court. The court held that the municipality was liable for damages. But the municipality appealed. And in May, the case was heard in the Borgarting Court of Appeal. – Sensational During the appeal case, Geir Kåre’s lawyer, Christian Lundin, spent a lot of time clarifying that the municipality is responsible for compensation for the damages after the diving accident. And to clarify that the signage was too poor based on the municipality’s knowledge of how the area was used. That people swam, jumped and plunged from the edge of the wharf. Christian Lundin is Geir Kåre’s lawyer. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news Lundin also highlighted another recent judgment from the Borgarting Court of Appeal. Oslo municipality was convicted in a case where a person was injured on Sørenga in 2018. A doctor suffered a complicated ankle fracture after he jumped into the water to save a lifeless person. Lundin believes that this case has great similarities with Geir Kåre’s case. And that it matters. However, the municipality has appealed the case in which the doctor was injured, further to the Supreme Court. – It is startling how far the municipality will push those who are badly injured in such accidents, up the legal system, Lundin said at the time. Geir Kåre Nyland together with his lawyers during the appeal case in the Borgarting Court of Appeal. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news Asked for full acquittal In the appeal case, Oslo municipality presented new evidence. They had had a report drawn up on the practice of marking shallow water in nine other municipalities in Eastern and Southern Norway. The municipality believed that the report showed that the signage in Bjørvika was no worse than what is usual on such wharves. They had also brought in a new witness. A person who was sitting on the edge of the wharf when the accident happened. The witness said she saw an iron rod in the water. Oslo municipality’s lawyer also believed that Geir Kåre should have done basic investigations before he jumped. The municipality believed there was no basis for liability and asked for an acquittal. ACCIDENT: Zekiye Nyland holds his little brother Geir Kåre here after the diving accident on 30 May 2021. ACCIDENT: Zekiye Nyland holds his little brother Geir Kåre here after the diving accident on 30 May 2021. Life is on pause Geir Kåre suffered a complete spinal cord injury after the accident. To this day, three years after the accident, he has no feeling in his body from the chest down. A head injury has also permanently impaired his vision. news spoke to Geir Kåre in connection with the appeal case. He felt that his life had been put on hold. – I could be financially ruined if I have to pay back everything for the legal costs and so on as Oslo municipality wants. At the time, he said that if he wins and gets compensation, he can live a better life. – It has everything to say for the future. And not only that. – I also hope that Oslo municipality gets its act together and actually checks its bathing areas and ensures it, said Geir Kåre Nyland before the appeal case started in the Borgarting Court of Appeal. Has announced compensation in the millions The Court of Appeal has now only ruled on whether or not the municipality is liable for compensation after the accident. It has not taken a decision on the compensation amount. Geir Kåre’s lawyer Christian Lundin has previously said that the compensation claim could end up in a double-digit million amount. Published 25.06.2024, at 10.45 Updated 25.06.2024, at 11.19
