Gay couple at Fagernes in Nord-Aurdal received hate mail in their mailbox – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

DAMN SO SICK! This is how the hate letter that the married couple from Nord-Aurdal in Valdres started on Sunday. Karoline had been on a trip with her son when she collected the mail. – I opened the letter and immediately saw that it was a handwritten letter. I felt myself getting angry the more I read down. Adrenaline starts rushing through my body and I start shaking, she says. The anonymous sender writes in the letter, among other things, that the gay couple should not have more children: “If I had seen that my child was going to go with the “son” of two pussy-lickers, I would have changed schools. Which of you is the mother and who is the father? Karoline is surprised that someone can bring themselves to write something like that in 2022. Neither she nor Tina have experienced such hateful speech in the past and are shocked: – We’ve laughed a little, we’ve been angry, we’ve cried. It has been the whole range of emotions, says Tina. – You get a little scared. You never know what people can come up with, says Karoline. The couple are clear that they do not want a witch hunt against the person who wrote the letter, and want to let the police do their job. HANDWRITTEN: This is what the handwritten letter from the anonymous sender looks like. Photo: Private Shared the letter on social media The hate letter had a stamp and was posted with the couple’s address. The letter writer shows that the person in question knows a lot about the family. Among other things, the envelope was inscribed with Karoline’s name, but also her former surname. The family has two children and has reported the matter to the police. They have also notified the school where one of the children goes. They say they find the letter threatening. – The police take it seriously. We have been met with great respect. They must make an assessment based on how they handle the case based on their procedures, says Karoline to news. Karoline writes on Facebook that they feel sorry for the letter writer. This Monday has been spent at a meeting with the police, and the energy and thoughts have been with our children. We don’t know who this/these people are, and maybe it’s not that important either. But one thing is certain, we feel sorry for you/you. – It is just sad to hear Mayor Knut Arne Fjelltun in Nord-Aurdal municipality reacts strongly when news calls him about the case. – It’s just sad to hear. I think it is very regrettable that there are residents in our municipality who have this type of attitude, he says. – SAD: Mayor Knut Arne Fjelltun thinks it is sad and regrettable that there are residents in Nord-Aurdal who have that kind of attitude. Photo: n16567 / n16567 Fjelltun emphasizes that he does not know the specific case and therefore speaks more generally. He says he has the impression that the vast majority of residents in the municipality are both open and tolerant. He encourages everyone to report hate crimes to the police. – I think it is important that people are very open and talk about it. If they feel that there are threats, then they must go to the police and report it, he says. Valdre’s pride Saturday 3 September is Valdre’s pride by train in the center of Fagernes, Ragnhild Lund, who is helping to organize this, says it is sad to hear about the hate mail the family has received. – This is absolutely necessary to do. I don’t understand why anyone would take the time to send such a letter. It is very sad. But unfortunately I’m not that surprised, she says. Lund believes it is now even more important to show up on the pride train than ever. – It’s about showing that pride is for everyone. It’s not just about being in love with the same sex, it’s about just being who you are, says Lund. Must continue to fight The Granum couple have contacted the school where one of their children attends to inform them of what they are exposed to. They feel that they have received very good support from the school. – For our part, we must tolerate and cope with receiving such statements. But when it comes to the children, it’s the worst. What is written in the letter is that they themselves have children at school. So then we are afraid that the children may be bullied at school, says Tina. They also encourage everyone to participate in pride in Valdre’s upcoming weekend. – Both the incident here, and the one that happened in Oslo this summer, mean that we have to stand together more. I sincerely hope that people get out into the streets, and that there are even more people who come to the pride marking on Fagernes next Saturday, says Tina. The couple is clear that this is a battle they will continue to fight. – We managed to have a few words with Kim Friele before she passed away, where we simply got to thank her for the opportunity to be together and for the family we have, says Karoline and continues: – Kim Friele said that day that the fight is not over, we can never stop fighting. And we have had proof time and time again that she was absolutely right.
