Gambia links 70 child deaths to imported cough syrup – Latest news – news

22 July 2023 at 03:59 Gambia links 70 child deaths to imported cough syrup Cough syrup imported from India caused at least 70 deaths among infants in The Gambia last year, according to the authorities. The children died of kidney failure after consuming the cough syrup, a committee set up by the authorities has concluded. There are four cough syrups imported from India that have caused the deaths. Health Minister Ahmadou Lamin Samateh told a press conference that there was a failure in several parts which meant that the cough syrups were available at all in The Gambia. In September last year, several cough and cold medicines from the Indian manufacturer Maiden Pharmaceuticals were recalled after several infants died. Earlier this year, it became known that the World Health Organization (WHO) linked 300 child deaths in Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Gambia to cough syrup containing toxic substances. (NTB)
