Furious after Norwegian shock victory – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

Eight Norwegians lined up for the 10-kilometer race in Ruka. Expectations were high for Friday’s sprint winner Erik Valnes and last year’s World Cup winner Johannes Høsflot Klæbo. But it was Martin Løwstrøm Nyenget who defended Norway’s honor in Finland. For a long time it seemed that the home favorite Iivo Niskanen would take the victory on home ground in Ruka. But Nyenget wanted it differently. He gained several seconds in the last kilometres, and beat the finish by 2.9 seconds – Niskanen is gone, congratulates Nyenget, turns his back and slams the poles hard into the ground. Yes, yes, it’s okay to be frustrated. But do you have to be so damned then?, asked news’s ​​commentator Ole Kristian Stoltenberg. The greasers took action Hjemmehåpet ran elegantly and efficiently from start to finish in the Finnish forests, to great cheers from the audience. – There is a classification of 3.1, said Stoltenberg on the first pass. The commentator was impressed by the classic style of the big favourite. – Oh la la, it’s like a tram that just rolls in the track that is cast firmly under the skis of Iivo Niskanen. A fantastic start, outlined Stoltenberg on news Sport. O LA LA: Said news’s ​​commentator when he saw Iivo Niskanen’s style. Photo: Matthias Schrader / AP Finnen took a clear lead. And the Norwegian gentlemen struggled to keep up. It looked like they were struggling with the mount and had hit a ski barrier. The greasers quickly took action and Pål Golberg, Nyenget and Valnes got new skis. it proved to be a decisive factor. The Niskanen became stiffer towards the end of the race. – I thought he looked tired at the end there, but he was clearly the best technically of all, said Aukland about Niskanen’s spurt. Nyenget, who had a later starting number, took advantage of that. At 5 kilometres, Nyenget was 0.3 seconds ahead of Finnen. From there, the 31-year-old increased. – He is ahead by a single second. It’s drama, said Stoltenberg when Løwstrøm passed just under two kilometers before the finish line.
