Fundraising campaign gives bunad to family father – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I can’t wait to have my own bunad and go with my family on May 17, says father of four Dion LuckyIsaiah Hargrave with a broad smile. Together with his wife Ramona Hargrave, he is delighted by the commitment of the more than 500 people who have contributed to the joint. The Hargrave couple try on hats and silk scarves at Husfliden in Kristiansand. Photo: Anne Wirsching / news Joy of giving trumps racism This story started with a family photo of the multicultural family, in social media. Father of four Dion Hargrave, originally from the USA and dark-skinned, stands in a suit with his fur-clad family. His wife Ramona posted the photo on Instagram, and soon it was showered with racist comments. The case was discussed by news, and Jane Skjoldli in Rogaland got involved. – I started a joint and people have given voice, she says proudly. 577 people contributed and almost NOK 85,000 has been collected. – I was simply terribly hurt by them, and thought that it shouldn’t be like this, she says. Now the splice is finished and the bunad dream can be realised. Provoked over multicultural children in bunad In early August, news told the story of the Hargrave family in Kristiansand. – People got angry to see our children in bunad, says dad Dion Hargrave. Among other things, Ramona was told that she should be ashamed and that she failed her own “race”. Among the worst comments were: – In which zoo have you found the monkey? It is terrifying and powerful to get it so close, she says. This picture of the family was posted by mother Ramona on Instagram, and then the excitement started to flow. Photo: private At the same time, the mother of four is moved when she talks about the supportive messages she has received from all over the country. – This fundraiser is a strong response to the racist comments we have received, says Ramona Hargrave. In Oslo, the bunad business Emblabunader heard about the splice. Now they want to help with sewing. Hardangerbunad, his wife Dion and Ramona walk through the premises at Husfliden in Kristiansand and feel woolen fabrics and silver buttons. – I want the bunade that is connected to my wife’s hometown and it is called Hardanger, he says and laughs, because it is difficult to pronounce. Ramona has a vossa bunad and all the children have party costumes. A vossabunad for men costs between NOK 24,000 and 45,000. – It is so wonderful that people have given us money, and especially in the financially difficult situation many are in now, the two say. For Ramona, the split is a reassuring signal that belonging and diversity can be stronger than racism. – But, I’ll probably drop my hat, says Dion and laughs. In this video, Dion and Ramona Hargrave stand up against racism.
