Full confusion about money for E6 in Sørfold in the state budget – news Nordland

The E6 through Sørfold has been described as a “climbing path” and “the worst stretch of the E6”. Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) was himself frightened when he drove through the tunnels in 2020. It has therefore been a strong desire for many years to have these improved. One month before the election, the government promised that the E6 through Sørfold would be included in the state budget in 2024. – We are setting aside NOK 4 billion to start work on 6 out of 12 tunnels on the new E6 through Sørfold, said Trygve Slagsvold Vedum when in August it was known that the government allocates money to start the project. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) and Bjørnar Skjæran (Ap) shone with the sun when they promised money for a new road in Sørfold municipality. But when the state budget for next year was presented on Friday, it soon became unclear what the government actually provides for the project. Now it has come about if the two ministers Vedum and Skjæran were clear that the shovel should now be in the ground as quickly as possible. – Now we can get started and put the first sod in the ground on what is the worst stretch of road on the E6, said Bjørnar Skjæran during the press conference at Megården in Sørfold in August. Today came the state budget, as well as a press release about the much-discussed stretch of road. No specific figures are mentioned in any of the places, although in August it was quite clear that 4 billion was to be spent on the first part of the road. The government promises start-up, but not necessarily until next year. Out of their control, says transport minister Jon-Ivar Nygård. Photo: Kåre Riibe Ramskjell / news In the press release, the rhetoric is also more toned down than before: “If the project starts in 2024, it will be possible to open in 2029 or 2030.” Overall, this causes Bård Ludvig Thorheim in the Right to react. – The strong, clear promises have been translated into language where reservations are taken if construction starts next year. Nor has a specific sum been mentioned, he says to news. Photo: Pål Hansen / news – I do not doubt the intention, but I think this is too weak compared to what was said in the election campaign, adds Torheim. – What is the danger of them not being clearer? – It says possible start of construction next year. The government has said that this project will come. Then I expect it to be so concrete that the spade will be in the ground by next year. You can’t say one thing in the election campaign and make a lot of reservations afterwards. Only start-up funds in this year’s state budget Neither the state budget nor the press release mentions a specific sum. news asks Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård how much has actually been set aside for the dangerous section of the E6. – The four billion is the total cost of this project and will take several years. You will not find 4 billion in the current state budget, he says and adds: – What is in the state budget is start-up funds to get started with the project. It is around 100 million, but we do not enter exact amounts because it is uncertain how much can be used during the coming year. Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård. Photo: Olav Juven / news – Why is it not possible to write a sentence about sum? – What is stated in the budget is that money has been set aside for the start-up of three large projects. It is not the case that a government can step in to start a start-up without allocating funds for it, Nygård replies and adds: – The idea that this should not be in accordance with what was said before the election is not correct. – But do you understand that questions are being asked as to whether the government stands by its promises? – No I do not. It’s an error track. It is approximately NOK 100 million that can realistically be used for next year. Here, people must have low shoulders and breathe with their stomachs. The project is coming and we will implement it. The Minister of Transport promises that the project will start, but it is not entirely certain that it will happen in 2024. Photo: TORBJØRN BROVOLD Can’t guarantee start in 2024 Those who use the road in Sørfold municipality have been waiting for many years. Can they expect start-up during 2024? The minister says the government is doing what it can to make it happen, but that they cannot guarantee all conditions in such a project. – In such projects there are factors over which you have no control. In the tender process or the process of getting construction and construction activities in place, things can happen over which we have no control. Maybe it will start in 2024. Maybe not. Photo: Simon Piera Paulsen / news He adds: – Therefore, we cannot with 100 percent certainty guarantee start-up in 2024, but it is planned to start then. Torheim and others should be happy about it. Punched a small “tunnel” at the Swedish Road Administration To make it easier for Norwegian contractors to compete for the giga project, it has been decided to split the stretch into two: Part 1: Megården – Sommerset Part 2: Sommerset – Mørsvikbotn – It is important for me to clarify that a division of the project does not mean the same as putting the section Sommerset – Mørsvikbotn on ice. The government wants to get started with this part as quickly as possible, says Transport Minister Jon Ivar Nygård (Ap) in the aforementioned press release. According to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, an external quality assurance (KS2) was carried out for the entire section – i.e. from Megården to Mørsvikbotn – already a year and a half ago. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum has personally experienced what it’s like to drive on the roads in Sørfold. Photo: news But when the government now splits up the project, a new KS2 investigation must be carried out, says the Swedish Road Administration. – The government hit a small “tunnel” on the Swedish Road Administration when it split the project in two. This meant that the Ministry of Finance demanded a new round of KS2, says Per Kollstad in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. The Swedish Road Administration aims to be on target with a new KS2 investigation by Christmas, says project manager Steinar Livik. The aim is to be ready for tender one to two months after the financing of the project has been finally approved by the Storting, states the Road Administration. Storting representative for the Center Party in Nordland, Siv Mossleth, promises, like Jon-Ivar Nygård, that the money will come. – Consideration has been given to a bond on E6 in Sørfold of NOK 4.18 billion. Quality assurance is now taking place for the final sum. The exact sum is not ready because the quality assurance is ready. But this is coming, she says to news.
