Full church said goodbye to Noah Landro (12) after the fatal accident on Toftøy in Øygarden – news Vestland

The twelve-year-old lost his life on Tuesday last week, when a car passed a bus that was standing at a bus stop at an intersection on Toftøy in Øygarden. The boy was hit when he went out into the road in front of the bus. The speed limit on site is 80 km / h. The driver is charged in the case, but the police say there is no suspicion of either drunk driving or violation of the speed limit. On Thursday, an entire community said goodbye to Noah when he was buried from Landro Church. “It happened so fast and unexpectedly” “It happened so fast and unexpectedly. Noah should have had so many more years. We should so fervently hope that what happened had not happened. That we could turn back time. But here we are. ” This is how parish priest Bjarte Nese began his memorial service for the twelve-year-old. “Step by step, one must take in what has happened and find out what the way forward should look like. Sometimes life can seem so random and unfair »Nese continued to news after the ceremony he told about a touching session. – The church was completely full, and there were many people outside the church as well who could not fit, says parish priest Nese. FOLLOWED TO THE TOMB: The whole community lined up to show Noah the last glory on Thursday. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Osgjerd / news – You had a heart of gold During the strong ceremony, Noah’s father played with his own band, before big sister and a cousin gave a speech. The principal at Landro School, Anita Vabø, also said a few words at the boy’s stretcher: “You had a heart of gold, Noah, and you had a unique ability to see those who needed it. You did this through both words and actions. We have lost the most valuable thing we could lose: a student, a school friend, a classmate and a good friend. You meant a lot to many. ” news has been allowed to reproduce the words of remembrance from the ceremony. CHARACTERISTICS: Parish priest Bjarte Nese says the accident has affected the entire local community. Photo: Brynjar Mangor Osgjerd / news Blown soap bubbles over the grave Many from Noah’s class were present in the church. – Finally, soap bubbles were blown over the grave. It was very moving, says the parish priest. In the church, a picture was drawn of a moody boy who was full of funny inventions. He says the relatives are very sad, but that they are also very grateful for all the support and care they have received in the time after the accident. – The family wants him to be remembered as a cheerful and active boy. Noah had a special ability to include others. He saw those who fell outside, says Nese. FLOWERS AND LIGHTS: It was here at the bus stop Torsvik junction on Toftøy that the accident happened. Relatives and friends laid down flowers and candles after the fatal accident. Photo: Cato Kristensen / news
