Frp initiates a case against the top of the list – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– A decision has been made tonight by the organizational committee to initiate case preparations for sanctions under § 3b of the statutes against Lars Petter Solås, assistant general secretary Helge Fossum writes in an SMS to news. It states, among other things, that membership can be permanently revoked. – The background for this decision is the information that is available so far and that has been clarified in recent days. Although the descriptions of the incident vary significantly, behavior is described that is completely unacceptable and something we should have absolutely nothing of among our people’s and union representatives, or in the party, the text says. VG reported the case first. The replay after the Frp’s national meeting last weekend must have gone over everyone’s heels. Lars Petter Solås in the Oslo FRP allegedly grabbed a male journalist in the crotch, according to Dagbladet. He then allegedly shouted at and threatened another journalist. He is also said to have strangled a third journalist, writes VG. In the end, he had to be removed by other participants in the nachspielet, according to Dagbladet’s information. No one was injured. After the incident at the nachspielet, involved journalists from Nettavisen sent a message of concern to Frp. According to editor-in-chief Gunnar Stavrum, Nettavisen has not decided whether it will be a police case or not. The FRP’s organization committee is processing the report of concern to the party leadership. Photo: Helge Tvedten / news The matter is dealt with by the Frp’s organizational committee. For a member who has breached the party’s programme, statutes, guidelines, or acted in a way that may contribute to damaging the party’s or party members’ reputation: Permanently revoke membership. Deprive membership for a limited period. Limiting the opportunity to be elected to political and/or organizational positions of trust. Limiting the opportunity to participate in events and meetings organized by the party. – Completely unacceptable – The behavior described by some media is completely unacceptable, and something we should have absolutely nothing of among our representatives and union representatives and in the party. The FRP had a national meeting at the Clarion Hotel & Congress Oslo Airport. At the nachspielet in one of the hotel rooms, a local party leader allegedly attacked three journalists. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Helge Fossum, who is assistant party secretary in the FRP, wrote this in an SMS to news earlier Saturday. – He is on sick leave and is deeply affected and regrets the situation primarily because he thinks of those affected, Fossum wrote further. The party leader has previously stated that he consumed far too much alcohol that evening. – I took in more alcohol than I had control over. That and all this may have entailed, I apologize in the very, very strongest way, the party leader wrote in a statement.
