Frontal collision on the E18 – road opened – Greater Oslo

26 February 2024 at 06:58 Head-on collision on the E18 – the road opened The emergency services moved to the E18 at Kråkstad in Nordre Follo, south of Oslo, at seven o’clock on Monday morning. A traffic accident with personal injury was first reported. The road was closed in anticipation of a tow truck and there was a lot of traffic at the scene. At 08.24 the police report that the cars have been removed from the road and the E18 has been opened in both directions. The queue seems to be dissolving. The police are still working to map the sequence of events. – The way it looks now, there is a car that has entered the opposite lane and hit the other two cars, says Pål Bjelland, operations manager in the East police district. There were only drivers in the cars. – Everyone is up and running. Two of them are examined by health personnel on site, but it does not appear serious, says the operations manager. The driving license of one of the drivers has been seized and the police are opening a case.
