From midnight, Jelena and Sergej’s shopping trips are over – news Troms and Finnmark

As of Tuesday, Russian-registered passenger cars can no longer cross the Russia-Norway border. The government has decided that cars with this type of signage must have ten or more seats to pass, with some exceptions. Monday was therefore the last trip for the married couple Sergej and Jelena from Murmansk. At least for a while. They usually cross the border to buy children’s clothes and foodstuffs such as cheese, butter and olives. – We think what is happening is tragic, says Jelena. Such shopping trips, as well as tourism, visiting friends, commuting and other work trips, must now be taken on buses and minibuses with ten or more seats. At around NOK 700 round trip, this is no longer something the couple can afford. Saying no to such shopping trips In the announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on austerity measures, it is emphasized that the measure is aimed at means of transport, not people. Sergej asks if an exception can be made for cars with registration plates from Murmansk, or if it is possible to introduce day passes? No, replies State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Eivind Vad Petersson (Ap). Eivind Vad Petersson says no exception will be made for Russian-registered cars from Murmansk. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – There is war in Europe. Russia is waging a brutal war of aggression. Therefore, the Norwegian authorities, together with the rest of Europe, have introduced extensive sanctions against Russia. Petersson says it will basically not be possible to make such short visits anymore. The exception for buses and minibuses is the same as for the Russia-Finland border. There are four listed exceptions to the import ban: Exceptions are made for diplomatic vehicles and vehicles belonging to international organizations or a state courier service. Exceptions will be introduced for vehicles owned by a Norwegian citizen or other EEA country with permanent residence in Russia, or close family members of the citizen. Exceptions are made for intermediate importation of vehicles that are necessary for humanitarian reasons – acute illness, death or funeral in the family. You can apply for an exception from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in special cases where foreign policy considerations dictate it. Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs The bus can continue The government first announced the austerity measures two weeks ago. The following weeks have been used to investigate separate provisions for Norway, explains Petersson. – Norway is a state governed by the rule of law. These are new provisions that carry a penalty, so it must be done properly and clearly, and it must be sufficiently investigated. – So even if our neighboring countries that are members of the EU adopt things, we do not use a copier. We create our own Norwegian rules and regulations to fit into our system. The Russian bus driver Aleksandr gets to keep his job. Photo: Gunnar Sætra / news This is reassuring for Russian Aleksandr. He drives one of the buses on the route between Murmansk and Kirkenes. So far, it is mainly through him and his colleagues that day trips across the border must be taken.
