From bully to best friend-Maren answers questions about dogs – news Lifestyle – Tips, advice and insight

In From bully to best friend, Maren Teien Rørvik has helped bullies like Anton, Zlatan and Bamse to bark less, attend calls, stop peeing everywhere inside and generally behave properly. The TV series has a lot of humour, but also seriousness. In this year’s season, the question many are asking is whether the three-year-old Conan of the Presa canario breed can also go from being a bully to becoming a best friend. – Conan has been the most challenging to the extent that he is the one I have been most uncertain about whether there is any hope for or whether it is safe for the entire editorial team to film, says Maren, who therefore sends Conan through a mental test. Dog trainer Maren has a solution to the vast majority of challenges, regardless of severity, and from 20 there is an online meeting with Maren here at Do you have small or large questions about training, behaviour, joys or challenges with your dog? Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
