Friskmeldt Røse back – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– My focus today is to meet the national board and have good conversations about the way forward for KrF, writes Røse in an SMS to news. She says this about the leadership question: – I understand that there are questions about this, and I will answer that later. Since party leader Olaug Bollestad resigned, Røse from Akershus has been among the favorites to take over as party leader. – Now we look forward to meeting the national board and having good talks, Røse said when she arrived at the national board meeting together with her deputy leader colleague Dag Inge Ulstein on Monday at 11 a.m. Neither Ulstein nor Røse has announced that they want the position of leader. Ulstein works in the office, while Røse has been on sick leave from 5 September until yesterday. The KrF deputy leader has been quoted in several press reports as saying that she and her family are in a deep crisis. Deep leadership crisis Formally, today’s KrF national board meeting at the Storting is about nailing down a date for an extraordinary national meeting to elect a new party leader. A joint central board has recommended such a national meeting in connection with KrF’s national conference on 25-26. January next year. – We will have good conversations today, sit down and talk together. And then we will make important decisions for the party going forward. Among other things, when the extraordinary national meeting will be and the framework around it, KrF’s general secretary Ingunn Ulfsten told the press on the way into the meeting. She did not want to comment on the issue of leadership candidates now and referred to the election committee in the party. Today’s national board meeting in the attic room at the Stortinget will probably be about much more than just the date for a new national meeting: KrF is in a deep leadership crisis after Olaug Bollestad resigned on 22 August. Several county leaders are now demanding answers to what happened in the process surrounding the departure. Neither of the two vice-chairs Ida Lindtveit Røse and Dag Inge Ulstein has so far said that they want to become the new KrF chair. Neither has former KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad. Requires answer The National Board is KrF’s highest body outside the national meetings and brings together the party leadership, the central board, the county leaders, KrFU and KrF Women. Several county leaders are now calling for answers to what really happened before Olaug Bollestad resigned as party leader. – I guess I have two expectations. There is more background material on the “unsustainable situation” the management said was, and why it was not possible to solve it in any other way than the manager’s resignation, says county leader Ole Døvik in Vestfold to news. – I expect a good explanation of what has happened, says county leader Erling-Christoffer Suhr in Finnmark KrF. RESIGNATION: KrF leader Olaug Bollestad resigned earlier in August. Photo: NTB – I have read a lot about leaks, but little has been confirmed, so I expect that. I specifically hope to get answers to what has happened over time and led to this situation, he says. County leader Tore Johan Øvstebø in KrF Møre og Romsdal will above all focus on the way forward. – I do not expect detailed information about what led to Bollestad choosing to step down as party leader, although I hope that after the meeting I can have a little more insight and understanding, he says. – All the leaks to the press have created a lot of insecurity among members and voters, he emphasizes. It is first deputy leader Dag-Inge Ulstein who acts as party leader in KrF now. But Ulstein has initially announced that he neither wants re-election to the Storting nor the position as KrF leader. But one year before the election, central KrF politicians hope Ulstein can be persuaded to take on new obligations, according to what news knows. Many names At the same time, several other names are up in the discussion about who will make up KrF’s leadership trio with Bollestad out. Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius and Jørgen Kristiansen, who are fighting for the top spot on the KrF list in Agder, are both mentioned as possible deputy candidates. Lossius lost the battle for a deputy’s place against Røse last year. KrFU leader Hadle Bjuland has also clarified that he is making himself available for a place as deputy leader, if the party wants it. However, former KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad has denied that he is in the running for a new top position in the party. Published 16.09.2024, at 10.06 Updated 16.09.2024, at 11.16
