Frida Karoline Liaset has Crohn’s and only drinks water from Bymarka in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

– Then it is time to fetch more water. Frida Karoline Liaset smiles as she takes the empty cans with her and walks over to Kilden in Bymarka in Trondheim. She comes here regularly. – I only drink water from here. I don’t drink tap water anymore. Was desperate The 26-year-old has Crohn’s – an inflammatory stomach and intestinal disease. She received the diagnosis back in 2011. In recent years, she has used social media to spread openness about the disease and what it is like to live with a stoma. – I was hospitalized earlier this year, and then I sought all the advice I could get regarding treatment and methods I could do myself to get healthier. Liaset came across research that deals with chlorine in water, and the importance it has for the body. – The more I read, I found out that the importance of what you put in your body is greater than people think. And I found out that chlorine can have a negative effect on my stomach. Frida has tried all the advice to feel healthier. Photo: Lena Erikke Hatland / news She points out that the research she read was from the USA, and that they use much greater amounts of chlorine in the water than in Norway. – But especially when I have been as seriously ill as I have been for so many years, I take absolutely no chances, she says. – I have been desperate and am doing everything I can to get better. I don’t know how important this is to me, compared to a person who is healthy. Watch the video Frida posted on Tiktok of her waiting for water in Bymarka Must drink a lot Sveinung Sægrov, professor at NTNU, writes to news that objectively there is no evidence that water from a source in Bymarka has other health effects than the municipal the drinking water. – The municipal water has been thoroughly analyzed and under normal conditions, when there are no pipe breaks, the water is safe for health. But more people choose this water, according to the 26-year-old. – This is a place many people go to get water. And I can understand that, because the water tastes damn good, she smiles. – I have even spoken to people who live in Stjørdal and who drive here. So there must be something to it. What is Crohn’s? Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract due to disturbances in the immune system. The inflammation can occur in patches throughout the digestive tract, from the oral cavity to the anus. The transition between the small and large intestine is most frequently attacked. The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, diarrhoea, poor appetite and weight loss. Other complications that can occur are skin rashes, joint pain, eye inflammation, and chronic exhaustion (fatigue). The cause of the disease is unknown, but it is believed that a combination of external factors and a genetic predisposition leads to the body’s immune system reacting abnormally and causing the inflammation. The disease most often makes its debut between the ages of 15 and 25 and has a very individual varying course. The disease is chronic and lasts a lifetime. Source: Stomach-tarmforbundet Today she has brought three large cans here with her. But she often uses several small water bottles with her as well, which she may have left in the car, among other things. With an ileostomy, you can quickly become dehydrated, says Liaset. – I have three stomas and need a lot of liquid during the day. A can lasts for two or three days, she says. – Ideally, I could get this water straight to my home, and use it for all cooking and showering and the like. But first and foremost it is the stomach that is critical, so that is my main focus. The 26-year-old has three stomas, and quickly becomes dehydrated. That’s why she drinks a lot of water. Photo: Lena Erikke Hatland / news – All help is good help After Liaset posted the videos of her fetching water in Bymarka, there has been an explosion of people who either say they agree, or who have come up with other tips and advice, she says . – It’s nice to see that so many people have got involved in this. This indicates that many people are concerned about water. Trondheim municipality writes on its website that the drinking water is of particularly good quality. The entire municipality is supplied with drinking water from Jonsvatnet. Benna is the reserve water source. – What is the typical advice you give to people with Crohn’s? – We advise everyone to talk to healthcare personnel to get information about the various treatment methods and dietary options that exist, and their advantages and disadvantages, so that you can make informed choices, writes Mads Johansson, secretary general of the Gastrointestinal Association to news. – Is it safe to drink water from nature, such as from the source? – In general, the risk of drinking untreated water from nature is much greater than treated and purified from a waterworks. This is what Erik Wahl, special inspector in the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s Trondheim and surrounding area department, writes to news. – Water from approved waterworks, such as Trondheim waterworks, is thoroughly checked, both with statutory water tests and other ongoing operational controls, and is therefore generally safe to drink. Any hazardous chemical substances in groundwater or health-hazardous infectious agents cannot be detected by the taste and cause no visible changes. If the groundwater tastes and looks fresh, it therefore does not provide any information about possible health hazards. Frida Karoline Liaset has no doubt that she is improving. – I don’t know if it’s a placebo, but all help is good help, I think, says the 26-year-old and adds: – Deep down, I think it matters.
