Frida Karoline Liaset from Ålesund was thrown out of the system at St. Olavs – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Frida Karoline Liaset should have been operated on this winter after a year’s waiting, but was removed from the waiting list. She has Crohn’s disease and three stomas, and is awaiting an operation to remove one of the stomas that has developed a hernia. Just before the operation, Frida was informed that she was no longer in the system at St. Olav’s hospital, and it may take one to two years before she has the operation. Over 500 patients have been removed from waiting lists after one year due to the Health Platform. Head of the surgical clinic at St. Olavs, Torbjørn Dahl, says he understands that it is stressful to wait for an operation – even if it is medically sound to wait. Frida hopes that the hospital will soon give her a date for the operation. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I felt I was finally going to get my everyday life back with this operation. But now I’m back at the start, and in last place on the waiting list. The 27-year-old lives with Chron’s disease and three (!) stomas. She shares openly about her everyday life on social media. At the start of 2023, she went through many painful examinations to get ready for surgery. But there was never an operation. At St. Olavs, she was told that she was no longer in their system, which is the much talked about and debated Health Platform. And the second message made her even more frustrated: It could take one to two years before she gets the operation. But she hasn’t been given a date yet. – I was almost in tears. My twenties are spent waiting, waiting and waiting. Extremely hopeless, says Liaset. – I have been ill since 2011. My life has consisted of waiting and facing the wall, very often. I know my life is a roller coaster ride. What’s so annoying about being on a waiting list and constantly receiving setbacks is that you don’t get to plan your life. I’m in my 20s, and I want to live my life too, says Frida Karoline Liaset. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – The system fails In February, St. Olav’s wrote that they had uncovered yet another risk with the Health Platform: Patients are removed from the waiting lists after one year. More than 500 patients were then affected. news has asked the hospital if Liaset is one of these, but has not received an answer to that question. Liaset herself says that she was told that the cause was the Health Platform, and that was also what her mother was told about. Now she has no idea when she will have the operation. An operation that she says will lead to a less painful everyday life and fewer worries. – It’s just crazy, quite simply. The system fails a chronically ill person, or chronically ill people in general. Remi Sagen / news The operation The operation she is now waiting for involves the surgeons removing a brace stoma she had in 2020. – It was the first stoma I had, which at the time saved my life, but in the long term it was never meant to I was going to have it. She was actually going to have it removed in 2022, but was too ill at the time. The doctors therefore chose to keep it. Remi Sagen / news Hernia on the stoma Liaset now has three stomas, and on the first stoma, which she is now waiting to remove, she has developed a hernia. They are going to operate on it. – Those who know what a hernia is … extremely painful. Because it is all the intestines and what is inside that is trying to get through the abdomen. It is not exactly very comfortable when you have to lift things, and simply do everyday things. Remi Sagen / news ProlapseLiaset is also at risk of getting prolapse, so it is important for her to have the operation, she explains. It is a serious condition in which the intestine rotates on itself, similar to twisting a garden hose. The result is that the intestine is squeezed off so that intestinal contents cannot pass. Source: NHI (Norwegian health informatics) and SML (Large medical encyclopedia). – The patients have to take the brunt And it’s not just easy being a mum in a situation like that either. – The fact that Frida does not get an operation actually scares me quite a bit. I know what’s going to happen. Because every time she is bad, it becomes … It escalates. She just gets sicker and sicker. It’s pretty horrible. Reidun Johanne Karlsson has to take several breaks during the interview. She believes that no one is taking responsibility, and that the family does not hear anything from the hospital. Mamma Reidun Johanne Karlsson says it is a surreal situation to be in as a mother. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – Now it’s an eternal battle. You worry. And then you’re supposed to trust a system, right, but then you don’t. In addition to being a mother, she is also a nurse at Ålesund Hospital, where they have recently introduced the Health Platform. She believes the system steals a lot of time and capacity, and that it has consequences for the patients. – The doctors have actually reported on this. And now it has gone beyond Frida, she says. Karlsson is clear that it is not the fault of the people who work in the hospitals. – So much research we have done ahead of the operation, so much preparation, and so much I was looking forward to getting this out of the world and getting on with my life… A completely hopeless situation, says Frida Karoline Liaset. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – Very sorry In an e-mail to news, head of the surgical clinic, Torbjørn Dahl, writes that they have a great understanding that it is burdensome to wait for an operation – even if it is medically justified to wait. “It is the total capacity of the surgical clinic that is challenging. We are very sorry that we have not been able to give an operation date, but assessments are constantly being made to be able to offer operation as soon as possible”, he writes further. Dahl writes that the patients who were thrown off the waiting lists were quickly notified, and were followed up. The error must be corrected, and the Health Platform must not be a reason why Liaset is now waiting for an operation date. Frida Karoline Liaset finds a lot of comfort in the dog Kenzo. Now she hopes that the hospital will give her an operation date. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – Life-threatening Frida Karoline Liaset now hopes that the hospital will contact her and give her a date for surgery. Lately she has been feeling worse. Because that is what is difficult about her situation – the picture of the disease can change quickly. It is important that she is as healthy as possible when the operation is to take place, otherwise things can go wrong. And it has almost done that twice, she says. Frida Karoline Liaset has had a hernia on one stoma. It is the one to be operated on. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – Two of the operations I’ve had have been life-threatening. I have stopped breathing, and things have happened afterwards. She says that the rehabilitation time is longer, and that there is a greater risk of complications occurring. – I have now remained stable for a long time, until the operation that was planned. But I can’t guarantee anything in the waiting time that I have something ahead of me, about how stable I will be able to stay. Because I cannot decide how my diseases will develop. Published 13.06.2024, at 17.15
