Freya has become a tourist attraction in Oslo, but expert warns against going too close – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The popular walrus has found itself at ease in a boat in Frognerkilen. But an expert warns against getting too close. On Tuesday afternoon, many had come in hopes of seeing the animal. – I think it is very exciting, and had hoped to get a glimpse of her, But then she just lies and sleeps, says Solvår Olsen to news. Here Freya apparently takes it easy in the summer sun. Great attention She has taken the trip only to see the walrus. – I have brought coffee with me and have been sitting here for a while, she says. EXCITING: Solvår Olsen faith in Frognerkilen on Tuesday afternoon just to catch a glimpse of the popular walrus Freya. Photo: Daphne Steketee / news When news was on site on Tuesday afternoon, many people tried to catch a glimpse of Freya. Either from the road a short distance away, from the pier or from the boats on the water. Olsen is not afraid that Freya will get too close. – I hope it comes up on the Opera roof maybe, so more people get the opportunity to see her. Many had come close to the walrus that has found its way into Oslo. People also came in boats to see “Freya”. Despite the stomach of people who came to see “Freya”, she seems to take it easy. “Freya” enjoys the summer sun like many others in Norway. Freya became really famous after a visit to Kragerø earlier this summer, where she relaxed on several leisure boats. Since then, she has visited several places, and has now settled in a boat in Oslo. Do not go too close Walrus expert Rune Aae does not like boats going too close to the walrus. Then she can get stressed. – It goes just fine with the boats lying around and keeping distance, As long as she does not have to get up. Then you are too close, says Aae. FOLLOWS: Walrus expert Rune Aae has followed Freya over time. He has developed a map where many can follow where she is moving. Photo: Daphne Steketee / news He is a doctoral fellow in science didactics at the University of Southeast Norway and has followed the walrus Freya in particular for a long time. – What happens if she gets stressed? With her 500 kilos, Freya is in herself a scary animal. She can push herself around, injure herself, cut herself on something in the boat, maybe overturn the boat that has come too close, he says and continues: – It can happen unpredictable thing. You should keep your distance, so you do not trigger a behavior that makes her go away. – Run and buy hull insurance In recent days, some have thought that the walrus should be transported away from where she settled down. Aae disagrees. – No, well, Freya is fine. There is a lot of food here. The disorder she is experiencing, I experience as acceptable so far. Aae says that Freya is not aggressive, but one should be careful when swimming with her. That’s because she’s so big. RELAX: Freya takes it easy in the summer sun. Photo: Joshua V. Jaunsen / tipser – She destroys a few boats, so here you just have to run and buy hull insurance. It is the only thing that covers walrus damage, says Aae. On Tuesday and Wednesday, high temperatures have been reported in the capital, but it is not a problem for the walrus, according to the expert. – She is able to cool herself when she needs it. We have examples of many walruses that thrive in the sun, in zoos and the like where it is both 30 and 40 degrees. So it’s going just fine.
