Freight train derailed after rockslide – Sørlandsbanen blocked – Latest news – news

4 November 2022 at 03:15 Freight train derailed after a rock slide – Sørlandsbanen closed A freight train derailed after a rock slide hit the railway track and Gamleveien in Lund near Heskestad in Rogaland on the night of Friday. The driver of the freight train has been accounted for and should be unharmed. There should not have been any other people on the goods train. There is extensive material damage to the freight train. – There are several wagons that have derailed. There is no dangerous goods in the train, informs the police Sør-Vest. The landslide is described as around 1 meter high and 10 meters wide, and is a mixture of earth, stone and roots, the police report on Twitter. The Sørlandsbanen between Egersund and Moi is closed until further notice, Bane Nor informs at 2.40 on the night of Friday. According to Bane Nor, it will take time to get the train back on the tracks and clear the track, but how long this will take has not been clarified. Go-Ahead’s local trains between Stavanger and Egersund, as well as regional trains between Oslo and Stavanger, are affected by the collapse. (NTB/news)
