Frank Bakke-Jensen receives death threats from all over the world after the walrus Freya was killed – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is perfectly permissible to disagree, but making death threats is taking it too far. It goes too far, says Hilde Sjurelv, the wife of fisheries director Frank Bakke-Jensen. In the last 24 hours, she has been subjected to massive incitement after the walrus Freya was euthanized on Sunday morning. The harassment goes both to who she is and to how she looks, she says. But worst of all are the death threats. – I was shaken and frightened when messages and comments started pouring in on the phone with unpleasant content. – This is about a matter that I have nothing to do with, other than the fact that I am married to Frank. – I think that many people from different countries will express themselves, but they can limit it to disagreeing, and not make direct death threats. Hilde Sjurelv is the wife of Frank Bakke-Jensen. She finds the threats against her unpleasant Photo: Hans Ludvig Andreassen / news Had to close the profile Sjurelv has had an open Facebook profile for a long time, but has felt compelled to close it because of all the harassment. – I just had to close it, because they were commenting all over the place, in all directions. news has seen several of the threats Sjurelv has received. – Sometimes it’s good to actually show people what’s coming. What people actually allow themselves to say. – It is not primarily Norwegians who have made threats. At least not to me. – I hope people think twice. Not everything is suitable for publishing to people you don’t know at all. Director of Fisheries Bakke-Jensen himself says that he will contact the police. – I have no problem accepting either complaints or input about my job to me personally. But I think it is going way over the line to allow yourself to contact my family. But unfortunately it has become part of everyday life. How do you assess your own safety? – My own safety is taken care of, I’m not too afraid of that. This is a case that has set emotions in motion and then there are also a number of irrational forces that are set in motion, and then we get examples like that here. What can you do if you experience harassment? Tell someone you trust about it. If there are serious threats or other serious incitement, you can contact the police. The police’s online patrol is tasked with trawling and helping people who experience harassment online. If possible, document it! It is helpful when you contact the police, aid organizations or someone you trust. Bakke-Jensen nevertheless believes that he and Sjurelv do not need increased protection. – No, I do as I have used in the past, I collect and hand over to the police, and their professionals also get to make assessments on it.
