France accuses Italy of unacceptable behavior – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Tuesday evening, the last remaining migrants on board the Norwegian-registered ship “Geo Barents” were allowed to disembark in Catania, Sicily. The Italian authorities first tried to follow through on a new decree, which states that only women, children and the sick should be allowed ashore. According to the new practice, the rest were to be transported out of Italian waters by the rescue ship. Doctors Without Borders, which operates the ship, believes it would be a clear violation of international law. The captains of several ships which are now docked in Italy have refused to comply with the authorities’ demands. Harsh French criticism On Wednesday morning, the political spotlight is on another Norwegian ship. “Ocean Viking”, operated by the French aid organization SOS Méditerranée, is still off the coast of Sicily. FROM BERGEN: Ocean Viking is on its way to France with 234 migrants on board. Photo: Fabio Peonia / AP After two weeks of rejected requests to Italy, the boat is now on its way to France with 234 survivors on board. The French authorities have made it clear that they are monitoring the situation on board, and will ensure that the boat does not end up in a dangerous situation. At the same time, the message of the new Italian government is not to be misunderstood: “The Italian attitude is unacceptable,” said Olivier Véran, a spokesman for the French government, in an interview with the France Info radio channel on Wednesday morning. Because international rules are clear: Boats with people rescued at sea must be given access to the nearest safe port. First Malta, then Italy, in this case. Meloni’s line For the new prime minister of Italy, however, it is a victory that “Ocean Viking” is now heading for the French coast. BLID: Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will refuse foreign aid organizations to dock in Italy with migrants on board. She sees it as a victory that Ocean Viking is now on its way to France. Photo: VALERIA MONGELLI / AFP “The citizens have asked us to protect the Italian borders. This government is going to keep its word,” Meloni wrote on Twitter on Tuesday evening. The Italian line is also criticized within Italy. The Catholic newspaper Avvenire believes that it does not make sense to talk so much and loudly about the contribution of foreign aid organizations to migrants coming to Italy. 90% of those who arrive in the country do so in another way anyway. In the original case it was stated that Italy was the nearest safe haven. This is addressed to “Malta, then Italy”. The spokesman for the French government referred to Italy as the nearest port in the interview quoted.
