Fox pups at Sæterfjellet in Oppdal died of liver inflammation – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

This is what the Norwegian Institute for Natural Sciences writes in a press release. Four arctic fox puppies at the breeding station at Sæterfjellet in Oppdal have died as a result of liver inflammation. – It is sad that we have lost four puppies. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that this is a disease that is common among wild animals, says Craig Jackson in the press release. He is a senior researcher at NINA, who heads the breeding programme. The mountain foxes at the breeding station have daily monitoring of the rookery, and the alarm went off on 30 August, after a dead puppy was found. Measures were then immediately taken, both to find the cause of death and to protect the other foxes at the breeding station. The first examination showed no signs of disease or injury, but the Veterinary Institute made the diagnosis of infectious liver inflammation after they had autopsied the dead animals. The actual source of infection is unclear, but the disease may originate from red foxes, wild arctic foxes or dogs that have been near the fences. Published 20.09.2024, at 09.17 Updated 20.09.2024, at 09.32
