Four sentenced after Artin (15 months) was found dead in the sea at Karmøy in 2021 – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

On New Year’s Day 1, 2021, the police received a report about the discovery of a child’s overalls with a life jacket at the water’s edge in the far south of Karmøy in Rogaland, not far from Skudeneshavn. Now four men will be sentenced for human trafficking and negligent homicide in France, reports Stavanger Aftenblad. Two of the men who have been convicted are Iranians living in Denmark. The other two also have an Iranian background. All pleaded not guilty. Aftenbladet writes that the prosecutor in the case, Amelié Le Salt, criticized the men in harsh terms. She said they lacked respect for human life and that they took advantage of desperate people in cold blood. The police’s main theory was that a tragic accident had occurred and that the child was at fault. The police early on had a hypothesis that it was Artin who had been found on Karmøy, especially because there were pictures of the boy in a similar winter suit to the one on the remains. news previously told the story of little Artin: The little boy who floated to Karmøy Should have been in the water for 67 days The boat that Artin and his family were in had capsized in the English Channel in October 2020. Artin was thus found just over three months later. The boat that was supposed to take the family to England was overcrowded. One of the survivors of the capsize told the BBC that the boat had taken on water after a few kilometres. The mother, siblings and Artin had sought shelter below deck, and this is said to have led to them being trapped when the boat capsized. A fisherman is said to have made an observation which led to a colleague and Fredric Sandhåland from the police finding Artin. Fredric Sandhåland and a colleague were the first to see that there was a small dead child in the overalls at Karmøy. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news
